
Pariah said:


God can do anything. *shrug*

Then why do you bother trying so hard to defend him and prove he exists? If I see a ninja being attacked I know he can take care of himself and stay out of it.
Yes, that ninja situation has come up before.


Solomon was a book of poems that were describing the women, and the names of those women, who were devoted to Christ. “Married to the Lord”. As for “standard practice”: Whilst I’m aware of some people in the Bible being described as polygamous, I don’t remember any Biblical lesson telling us specifically that it’s okay to marry multiple women.

does it ever say specifically not to? Because if it shows an act that some may find immoral like, I don't know, slavery. And it doesn't condemn that act then it is condoning the act in a roundabout way.


I said:

Please show me the verses in the Bible that discuss genetics.


he replied:
It’s elementary logic.

but you can't do that. You can't reject logic on one hand because it contradicts something in the bible (age of earth) then use logic to support some unspoken biblical rule, especially one as farfetched as that.
Give me one ancient text that mentions genetic.


…..So? What does that have to do with my specific reference? You know what I was referring to since I was using modern context. And this particular context was not only specifically banned in Sodom and Gommorah, but also Leviticus. In which case, that’s (slightly) irrelevant, because I was saying sodomy on a mass scale, and a small one, isn’t society-friendly, namely it’s not healthy. Anyway, the point is, you know what context I was using.

How does sodomy actually effect society? Or you in general?
The people of Soddom and Gamorah weren't a community of gay men that were wiped out, they were a community of sexual perverts. The main sin mentioned by the Angels is the fact that the citizens commit rape.


which is just not true. secular people and secular cultures aren't the babykilling rapists you seem to think they are.

I never said they are. I said they would have been without Christianity/Judaism. Religions.

how did the world survive even 10,000 of your christian years, or 9,000 years of your Jewish years before we were saved by the mighty Yaweh?
First of all, Jerusalem is not considered by anyone to be the cradle of civilization.
Ancient Greece is. You remember them? Pesky little pre-judeo christians who created democracy? And what about wacky Socrates? Or zany Plato? Those pre-judeo christian guys who were the first philosophers to discuss values and ethics?
They don't count do they? Why? Because it was Zues instead of Jesus? Or because if you admit they were the foundation of moral societies (instead of slave-owning, inquisition-starting christian societies) then you'd have to also admit that a moral society could accept homosexuality.


Of course some are, but they have what secular laws lack: Sense of morals. In the end, there is no rooted moral standard that originated from static secularism. It was through religion (Christianity/Judaism) that morality was instilled in secular law.

the religion of Zeus (see above point)


…….Uh…..Yeah. Exactly. No concept of morals. Pre-Christianity/Judaism, their was no morality in relation to their secularity/poly-theistic theocracies at all.

again, I point out the greeks.


Meaning, you’re being out-argued and so you’re trying to desperately (pathetically) shift weight.

meaning you don't find slavery to be an immoral act that shames a society?


So what examples are you trying to use to paint Christianity as amoral in the face of slavery.

yes. Slavery from ancient times was about using criminals and prisoners of war. Treatment of slaves was also governed by standards, and a good deal of slavery wasn't a lifelong obligation.

It was only in christian countries where slavery became about imprisoning an entire race for life based on them not being "god's people."


The Bible isn’t Action Comics.

unprovable stories about supernatural deeds.


As I already told you, the Bible is historically accepted by secular culture

no its accepted by christians. no other religion sees the bible as 100% accurate. and all the government officials that do, are judeo christian (so obviously they'd support it as fact).

meaning it’s a valid source of historical backing, which you’d have to adhere if you want to be “taken seriously”. Avoiding it simply because you hate Christianity and don’t “take it seriously” isn’t a valid excuse. It’s just exemplification of bias on your part. I don’t take evolution seriously or find it at all factual, but I at least address the subject with serious intent. I don’t feel I should have to, but I do simply because the majority of the people here (and on the planet) believe in it.

again, christians believe it. we happen to have 98% christian politicians (a good example of morality?) and any one who doesn't believe in the bible would avoid the issue to not alienate voters.

and if you take into account muslims, jews, hindus, buddhists and all the atheist/agnostics then you have about 4 billion people who either; don't believe in the bible, think its been heavily altered, or think its got some truth and some fiction.


No. They wouldn’t have. The pre-flood civilization wasn’t ocean faring, they were too far into the mainland. Furthermore, it took Noah a couple of centuries to finish the arc after he was given the instructions on how to build it. They did not have that much time to create more vessels.

okay. pay attention now.
if the water was slow rising, then non-ocean faring people probably still would've realized the need to build a boat, and would've learned to do so.


……Holy shit! You’re as loony as Jay. I mean, seriously, this stuff is worse than the first time you decided to challenge everyone using lies and talking about history you weren’t even aware of.

lies=disagree with pariah?
being loony=proving pariah's argument to be off-base?


No. That’s just your patented ad hominem. You usually accompany them with straw mans when you’re shown to be full of shit—As per usual.

I don't think you know what an ad hominem is:
by insulting me as your reply you pulled an ad hominem.


With a big difference. It’s in the doctrine of Muslims to do what they’ve done.

if that were true then why aren't all muslims terrorists?
I know a few very religious muslims. they can be touchy sometimes, but they're non-violent and believe in a peaceful way of life.
jihad has many meanings. it is mainly a struggle to maintain one's faith and purity of being (hence the Isalmic belief in not eating certain animals and never drinking alcohol).
its been misinterpreted to mean soley an act of violence.


According to their majority, we’ve offended them somehow, and now they want retribution based on their teachings.

muslims do believe in defending themselves from invasions. and we have butt ourselves into their countries and fucked them up in many ways.


The IRA has no such blessing from religion or the Vatican in general.

and the majority of muslim leaders have denounced terrorism. and the majority of muslims are appalled by the acts of violence.


So this is an example of Christians forcing you to convert.

if they're trying to shove a flyer in my face, and waking me up with a knock on the door then yes, they are trying to convert me.


Where did I say “all Muslims are terrorists”? Seriously, where? Map out what I said for you to get the idea that I said, “all Muslims are terrorists”.

read your above statements. you said their church teaches violence.


No they didn’t, they just became out numbered.

Zion conspiracy?


Whatever. I just hope you’ve figured out at this point that monopolizing blame on the religion which you place the most hatred in and exempting others simply because they don’t annoy you is no way to make a point.

are you a valley girl these days, pariah?
I said specifically i didn't hate christians, simply find them the most obnoxious and offending.


However, simply because faith doesn’t provide direct and tangible proof of Heaven, that does not mean it cannot logically exist.

true. but I won't sit around pretending it does exist and gearing my whole life to get in.


And that’s one more thing secularists have failed to prove: An editing of the Bible.

that's not even scientists, that's different sects of christianity and religious scholars.

and christians can't prove most of the events in the bible. scientists can show some evidence of evolution.


Because God made His point in the form of the Bible. After he conglomerated all of his lessons for mankind, we shouldn’t need His viewed presence by the senses to prove His existence.

if there are non-believers you do.


His punishments and His rewards were demonstrated in the Old Testament. He wanted to make clear how He felt about sin. And that would reflect onto the current era and we’d understand what to do to get into His good graces.

an all loving god who's love we have to earn?
does that make sense?


A person passing on from this world isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

then kill yourself and works out for everyone.

Those “good Christians” would be saved by him if they were truly good. [/qupte]
everyone christian that dies is hellbound?


And that’s simply because we’ve festered the perceptions that God doesn’t exist for the past half millennia. Whilst in its place, evolution takes the popular stand and misleads people into believing it’s the truth when after so much failure, it’s so obviously fiction.

The words of the Bible have weight. People simply choose not to acknowledge it. That fact alone does not mean the Bible’s teaching can’t be reality.

the bible says people and a planet just popped into being over a week of hardwork. science and common sense would say it took time for everything to come together and develop.

the bible's teachings is about as real as the respect you think you have here. (zing)


if everyone came from the same two people, why don't we all look related (unless people evolved to have different races)?
and the question was where are the Judeo-christian teachings in those ancient countries?
if we're all from the same two people and the same godly people then the "word of god" would be in all those countries ancient texts.


Europe and the Middle East were God’s catalysts.

despite the fact that there is proof of Africans existing first, and the Chinese developing culture long before Europe.


Christ’s influence created missionaries,

thousands of years (even by your own count) after mankind started?


namely the Apostles, and they traveled all over the world and spread the Word.

show me one shred of proof they went to Asia, Africa, and the Americas. Because you said the apostles, not missionaries.
and if god really wanted them to spread the word to everyone about Christ he would've ensured that first contact with Christ in the Americas would've been something nicer than Conquistadors.


In the end, just about all of the Globe has gotten a chance to turn to God.

at the point of a sword/gun?


r3x said:
the current pope was a Nazi.


Or, more accurately, he was apart of the Hitler youth.

he was a member of Hitler's belief system.


Tell me r3x, why do you feel the need to lie—All the time?

just because what I say on religion contradicts what you believe to be true doesn't make it a lie.


As I already said, it originally did. If it wasn’t for its influence, secularity wouldn’t have had a standard of morality.

and as I've already pointed out it was the Morality of Zeus' chosen people.


Actually, dinosaurs were mentioned in the Bible. I believe God pointed Noe in the direction of a dinosaur and proceeded to explain his physiology. Surprise surprise the description was that of a Brachiosaur. I also believe the Leviathan, mentioned in Old Testament again, was described as looking like the Lochnee Monster.

what does that prove about dinosaurs starting millions of years before mankind?

Bow ties are coool.