
Wonder Boy said:

r3x29yz4a said:
You can say all you want about how privately they really hated each other and it was all lip service, but the fact of the matter is they publically didn't oppose Hitler.
And in failing to do so they might as well as supported the Holocaust.

And if you think its outlandish to say that, then why did the Pope make an apology for turning a blind eye to the Holocaust?

Are there photographs of American leaders visiting Hitler?
Of British ?
Of Russians ?
Of French ?

And because they are photographed with Hitler, does that make them allies of Hitler ?
No. It doesn't.

As in many political situations both before and after World War II, these nations, and many others, tried diplomatic negotiation with Hitler as a way to prevent war, and/or to protect their own interests as long as they could.

You could argue that any or all of these nations and their political leaders contributed just as much to Hitler's rise to power, by their diplomacy, or their silence, their action, or their inaction.

well, if you'd read what I wrote instead of just shitting your pants and running around in a circle shouting eggman, then you'd notice that the catholics NEVER spoke out against the Nazis and ended up apologising for it later.
FDR, Stalin, and Churchil actually fought this thing called a World War when they realized Hitler was going to bow to diplomacy.

Bow ties are coool.