
Jim Jackson said:

Wonder Boy said:

r3x29yz4a said:
You can say all you want about how privately they really hated each other and it was all lip service, but the fact of the matter is they publically didn't oppose Hitler.
And in failing to do so they might as well as supported the Holocaust.

And if you think its outlandish to say that, then why did the Pope make an apology for turning a blind eye to the Holocaust?

Are there photographs of American leaders visiting Hitler?
Of British ?
Of Russians ?
Of French ?

And because they are photographed with Hitler, does that make them allies of Hitler ?
No. It doesn't.

You have any pics of any British, Russian, or French leaders displaying the Nazi salute to Hitler?

You can google them up if you want, I don't feel like spending the time.

I've seen photos of Nazi Foreign Minister Ribbentrop meeting with the Russians for the 1939 Non-Aggression Pact.

I've seen many photos of Chamberlain meeting with the Nazis.

I've also seen photos of Joseph Kennedy (JFK, RFK and Ted's father) with Nazis, openly praising the efficiency and grandeur of the Nazi state ( which put an end to his political life and Presidential ambitions, ambitions later realized through his sons in 1960. )

The photo of Catholics in the above photo is a nice spectacle, but it really proves nothing. It isn't a picture of the Pope making a Nazi salute.
It might be Cardinals.
It might be two local priests.
It might be two non-catholic SS men posing for a propaganda photo the Catholic church had no part of.
It might have been a photo taken in 1933 or so, early on before the Nazis made manifest their threat to Catholicism and Christianity in general.

I'm in the odd position of defending the Catholic Church here. Which I'd rather not do, because I'm not a Catholic.
(As I've said in previous topics, I'm Protestant, specifically Presbyterian, and have attended Methodist, Lutheran, Baptist, Episcopalian and catholic churches.)

And many things that Catholics believe, I know to be non-biblical.
As I've said in prior topics.
(Pergutory, confession to a priest, the fact that Priests and Nuns cannot marry, a focus on the Virgin Mary rather than Christ, the Apocryphal books of the Bible, etc. )

I also see Catholicism as more political than Protestantism, although Protestantism as well can be argued to have similar political influence.

Pope John Paul II apologized for the Catholic Church's part in the Holocaust during the Nazi era, for not objecting strenuously enough, and for anti-semitism that has long been associated with the Catholic Church, and is now disappearing, replaced by solidarity with Jews.

But the Vatican's contribution to Nazism and the Holocaust is largely the same as that of the United States, Britain, France, Russia and the rest of the world, of cooperating for too long, until Nazi Germany became a great threat to Jews and the rest of the world.
And protests on the Vatican's part coming too little, too late. Which they, commendably, have acknowledged and apologized for.

The British, French and Americans likewise knew by late 1943 that genocide was being done at Auschwitz and elsewhere, flew bombing missions over these places every day, and did nothing to stop them, letting the genocide continue.

I find it partisan and unfair to single out Catholics or "Christians" to blame for these atrocities.
Early on, the Vatican didn't see the threat, later on they raised objections, too late.
Like everyone else.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.