
Wonder Boy said:
I've seen photos of Nazi Foreign Minister Ribbentrop meeting with the Russians for the 1939 Non-Afggression Pact. I've seen many photos of Chamberlain metting with the Nazis.

which by wars end they'd obviously realized the mistake of. What with the whole them going in an fighting a war with the Nazis.
It took the Catholics 50 years to admit they were wrong and apologize.


I've also seen photos of Joseph Kennedy (JFK and RFK's and Ted's father) with Nazis and openly praising the efficiency and grandeur of the Nazi state ( which put an end to his political life and Presidential ambitions, which were later realized through his sons in 1960. )

A. Sins of the father don't carry over. Joe Kennedy was an ass. He built his fortune on bootlegging.
His son Jack broke his back (yes that rhymes) in WWII saving the lives of his fellow soldiers when their PT-Boat was destroyed.
And JFK and RFK championed civil rights, desgregated the federal government, and went after the mob.
B. If you want to look at what dads did. Prescott Bush did plenty of business with the Nazis.


The photo of Catholics in the above photo is a nice spectacle, but it really proves nothing. It isn't a picture of the Pope making a Nazi salute.
It might be Cardinals.
It might be two local priests.
It might be two non-catholic SS men posing for a propaganda photo the Catholic church didn't authorize.
It might have been a photo taken in 1933 or so, early on before the Nazis made manifest their threat to Catholicism and Christianity in general.

yes. its all faked. the Catholic church is perfect.


I find it partisan and unfair to single out Catholics or "Christians" to blame for these atrocities. Early on, they didn't see the threat, later on they raise objections too late. Like everyone else.

I wasn't blaming them for the holocaust, just pointing out their mistakes and "blind eye."(I actually forget how we got onto the nazis in the first place).

Bow ties are coool.