
theory9 said:
However, God cannot be logically proven.

That's debatable.


Logic exists as a step by step process of examining evidence about the physical world;

No law of logic limits logic to observing the phisical world. Even if it did it wouldn't negate proving something transendant of the natural world.


Any argument that proves God's existence assumes his existence, and the philosopher closest to marrying logic and faith (Aquinas) gave up this enterprise.

That's just not true. Unless you've heard all the arguments made to prove god's existence you can't even hope to make that claim. Most of the classical arguments for the existence of God don't assume his existance. Take the cosmological of "first cause" arguments. Also to say that Aquinas gave up the enterprise of marrying logic and and the existence of God is untrue. I don't know how much Aquinas you've read but your claim about him is wholy contrary to what he taught. It was Aquinas after all who said that the Christian should endevor to learn all he can (refering the the sciences as well as all other disciplines) because ALL truth leads to God.


The Bible is not proof of God's existence.

Agreed. I would also take a step further and say that the specific God of the scriptures can't be proven to exists using logic alone.


Most of the things you say here ("jackass", "dumbass" and others) are things that simply wouldn't say during the course of a legitimate argument, because it weakens your position. You've found a lot of things that simply don't stand up in the face of real debate skills. Good luck, kid.

This IS the RKMBS, remember.

Putting the "fun" back in Fundamentalist Christian Dogma. " I know God exists because WBAM told me so. " - theory9 JLA brand RACK points = 514k