
Pariah said:

The Biblical scripture is the first philosophy ever created and I think I've pretty well established that its the founder of morals--And ethics are the logical extension of said morals.

Still, I could've sworn I had a book of Plato's Philosophies at home.

Not only has it been the most successful at maintaining peace in its established society

The Crusades never happened?
KKK never existed?
Abortion Clinic shootings and bombings are dreams I had after eating a bad taco?


and practitioner (tills its teachings are deviated from), but the wisest individuals of the past, most of whom hadn't anything to do with religion, came to the same conclusions that Judaism and Christianity had (that's as far as epiphanies go).

Gandhi, Buddha, Dali Llama?


I never tried to say it was. My purpose in arguing about the Bible was to show to r3x, you, and Magicjay that there's more credibility within its pages than you'd care to admit.

I've said that the Bible documents certain geological events but that you can't prove for certain the participants of those events or the causes of those events.
The Bible has historical relevance because so many people in the last 2 thousand years have believed in it.

I've conceded its a historically relevant story, but not provable fact.


You look at a modern history book and see something printed on the page, you'll automatically assume that's the facts of the past event.

High school and earlier history books I wouldn't believe. College text books I would if they backed it up with names and dates and showed original documents that I could research on my own.


Why do you trust that book and not the Bible--Even when the Bible is secularly admited as historically valuable? Answer: Because it involves religion. Period. Their apparently best argument against the book's credibility is 'that it happened a long time ago, so no one's sure'. With that kind of reasoning, I could de-stablize the credibility of just about any history book that breaks the 300 year mark--And this would be including the historical artifacts that speak for it (considering that the Bible's evidence is constantly ignored). More to point: My sources for concluding that there is a God aren't logical or credible simply because modern times doesn't want to acknowledge them. So I hope you realize how much I can't appreciate your lip-service for you being the only one here who knows what's logical and what's not.

you love to villify us, huh?
The bible is unproven. You can prove that George Washington crossed the Delaware. You can prove that Slavery existed. You can prove who ruled England in what year.
Because there are books from the time, personal letters from the time, in other words proof.

The Bible is unprovable. However, I'll rethink that theory if you produce one 2 thousand year old piece of writing (not an old bible) that talks about the same events and people and causes of the events that the bible does.
And if you produce 5 two thousand year old pieces of writing, or 10, or a 100 then I'll have proof in which to base my belief that it happened.
Right now you can only produce a book and some archaelogical dig that shows a city fell down at roughly the same time the bible mentions a city being wiped out by a magic horn.


r3x is a liar and antagonizer who's arguing simply for the sake of winning an argument. And he hates me.

fuck you too. I argue when I feel I'm right and won't back down to dumb theologies about magic.
Believe it, fine.
But don't shove it in my face unless you've got proof beyond the fact that your storybook has been reprinted over the years.


Magicjay is also an antagonizer who decides to argue against things he knows nothing about smply because they notably speak against whatever he believes in some way. And when he fails to do anything in the way of effectively making a point or at all contradicting me, he tries to be as offensive as possible. And he hates me.

go read this thread please. you've insulted us way more than we insulted you. (well, more than he's insulted you, poopy pants).


You, whilst not as bad, have shown yourself to be under the same category, within this thread, as those very antagonizers.

thou seeks to sound of higher intellect but thine cries of godhood fall on deaf ears.

Bow ties are coool.