
r3x29yz4a said:
Still, I could've sworn I had a book of Plato's Philosophies at home.

Moses and his teachings/Judea predated Classical Greece.


The Crusades never happened?

Once again. The Crusades were retaliation on the part of the Europeans.


KKK never existed?

The KKK is not based around Christian philosophy or derivative of such.


Abortion Clinic shootings and bombings are dreams I had after eating a bad taco?

Again, not based around Christian philosophy. Those offenders came to their own conclusions about what God would want without actually analyzing how wrong it would be according to that very philosophy.








Dali Llama?


There was also Nietzsche, to name another name, even though he'd never admit it himself. And then there were the Greek philosophers we were talking about earlier.


I've said that the Bible documents certain geological events but that you can't prove for certain the participants of those events or the causes of those events.

If that's the case, then I can compromise the every history book that describes past historical figures and their actions from 1800 going backwards--Hell! Even earlier than that. You can't prove their presence was their except through writing and unconfirmable geological evidence. Technically, that means your historical sources are just as corrupted as mine.


The Bible has historical relevance because so many people in the last 2 thousand years have believed in it.

You just admitted up top that geological evidence proves past occurence is in allignment with the Bible's re-tellings. You wanna re-tract it?


I've conceded its a historically relevant story, but not provable fact.

No historically relevant story is provable fact.


you love to villify us, huh?

You do a pretty good job of that yourself.


The bible is unproven. You can prove that George Washington crossed the Delaware. You can prove that Slavery existed. You can prove who ruled England in what year.
Because there are books from the time, personal letters from the time, in other words proof.

And it's only through those writings that you have any empirical evidence to the idea that the events happened. But not tangible proof. So, again, your sources are in the same boat as mine. They always were in fact.


The Bible is unprovable. However, I'll rethink that theory if you produce one 2 thousand year old piece of writing (not an old bible) that talks about the same events and people and causes of the events that the bible does.
And if you produce 5 two thousand year old pieces of writing, or 10, or a 100 then I'll have proof in which to base my belief that it happened.
Right now you can only produce a book and some archaelogical dig that shows a city fell down at roughly the same time the bible mentions a city being wiped out by a magic horn.

If you knew anything about the matter, you'd know that there were five historians and many documents that were related to the happenings of the Old Testament whilst remaining separated from the Bible itself. As you say, this is the same type of evidence you have of your chosen occurences you feel hold more evidenciary support than Biblical accounts--Plus, geology and archeology backs up both explanations as well. Meaning you have no true reason or authority to discount the Bible using those given standards.

And it wasn't a magical horn.


fuck you too. I argue when I feel I'm right and won't back down to dumb theologies about magic.
Believe it, fine.

No magic here son. Perhaps you're thinking of Simon Magus.


But don't shove it in my face unless you've got proof beyond the fact that your storybook has been reprinted over the years.

Shove it in your face? You've decided to argue about with me.

And haven't secular history books been reprinted hundreds of times over the years?


go read this thread please. you've insulted us way more than we insulted you. (well, more than he's insulted you, poopy pants).

Sure r3x, suuuuuurrre.