
Pariah said:
Aaaaannnnd....What's your point?

That the Greeks got along fine on coming up with morality and ethics without your god.


You actually tried to use this before...3 pages ago. It was idiotic then and it still is now.

3 pages ago was like 3 months ago. I'm not so into this argument that I'm going to reread every little bit of it from the past.


Europe was ruled by an objectivist government--All governments were and are. The idea behind such a government philosophy is to secure the well being of the country, which that government runs, at all costs. In which case, to secure the citizens that made up the population of that country, Europe retaliated against Islam after they took Jerusalem. Because Christianity teaches to help those in need, the government protecting the proliteriate through an offense upon would be invaders is very much so analogous to Christian principle. However, Christianity itself, nor its principles, were the reason that Europe went to war. It was because they were attacked first.

you come off as a surly teenager who found a philosophy book and misinterpreted everything but still quote it to look smart.


Where did I say they were atheists? I don't remember reading anywhere that the burning cross actually represented a holy crucifix on the part of KKK members.

The Klan is a fringe religious organization, and you know it.


The overall fact here is that Christianity is not a prime motivation for the practitioners of the KKK and the philosophy of Christianity, moreover, does not encourage their behavior.

They are as much a representation of Christianity as Islamic terrorists are a representation of Islam as a whole.


I'm sorry, but the Ten Commandments are very straight-forward, and they speak specifically against such actions as murder and harming other peoples' goods.

Thou shalt not kill doesn't cover executions but does cover abortions?
People still interpret it their own way.

Bow ties are coool.