
PenWing said:
Whomod used to post here. He'd use all sorts of leftwing articles to argue his points, and when someone countered him, he'd just post more articles and links.

Now, that's not the whole truth, but that's what Monkeyboy is joking about.

Whomod did have some valid points and arguments, they just got lost in all the crap. Same can be said for some of the rightwing posters of he board.

Was there something whomodish about my post?

As for left wing and right wing nonsense...well, I think calling it nonsense pretty much sums up my feelings about it. I tend to ignore those sorts of debates - most lefties and righties have made up their minds on issues long ago and refuse to see points of view other than their own, so debate and discussion with them is often pointless. Even if they get their facts wrong, they'll never acknowledge it, so what's the point of brining it up?

Not that I don't crtiticize politicians - even after 5,000 years, politicians still manage to piss me off - but I tend to avoid most leftie-righty debates. I'll look them over because I find them amusing, but I'll rarely participate.

"Just because I don't like to fight doesn't mean that I can't."