
Pariah said:

magicjay38 said:
First of all I'm discussing IDEAS not history! The above statement has no historical referance.

Your post, the one you're complaining about, carried half a dozen attempts at interpreting history. You used them mainly as foundations for calling religion "irrational" and "hypocritical".

So you agree that the statement is correct. Like Hagel stated it:

"Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, just as it is the spirit of a spiritless situation. It is the opium of the people." Glad to know you support me on this Pariah!

"Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives." John Stuart Mill America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between. Oscar Wilde He who dies with the most toys is nonetheless dead.