
Pariah said:

King Snarf said:
Well, the one commandment says "Thou shalt have no other gods before me." Not, "There are no other gods." It kinda implies there are other gods.

It implies no such thing. He's saying not to believe in any other gods but him. That doesn't mean to literally put any before Him because there's none there to put forward. For someone to even be considered "God", or a god if you wish, in the purest of definitions, that would imply someone actually worthy of worship. He makes it clear there's nothing else in existence that's actually worthy.

What's the weather like up your own ass?
The damn commadment doesn't have an asterix explaining that it means there are no gods to put before him but he felt like saying it in case people were wondering where gods should be put if new ones are discovered.

Stop being an idiot, Pariah. Just...stop...now.

Bow ties are coool.