
britneyspearsatemyshorts said:
i suppose but secularism is it's own religion. science is religion. example, it's widely believed by most that the earth travels around the sun. why? because we read it in books that are written by people who were taught by people that follow the same beliefs in science. now because these beliefs were handed down from men claiming to have came up with the ideas thereselves it's called science. even though you have seen no proof that the earth does indeed orbit the sun. same as man landing on the moon, the vast majority believe it happened because we saw pictures and read it in papers. all based on faith. faith in science. no one has proof other than pictures and viseo that someone they never met took, yet because it was a scientist it is believed. i find it arrogant that "secularists" bash religious people's beliefs when their is based on no more than faith either.

Some interesting points here.

"Just because I don't like to fight doesn't mean that I can't."