
magicjay38 said:

britneyspearsatemyshorts said:
so you saying that wanna cant back his beliefs up unless he does it the way you believe? now theres some logic!

No BSAMS, I'm saying that turning to God for the answer does nothing to advance the discussion. 'Is religion good for society?' is a secular question. To advance the discussion we'd all have to reach a consensus on the nature of the Divine, and that's not going to happen! It devolves to a argument about who's God/Goddess is the best.

The All is better than Yaweh...

The All is better than Yaweh...

The All is better than Yaweh...

Na, Na na na na.....na

As much as your childish rants about the supiriority of a laundry detergent to God serve to move the discussion along I would dissagree that turning to God does nothing to further the discussion, because after all what is religion, but the worship of God or some higher power. There are some like me who think that religion for religions sake is worthless and therefore offer nothing to society, but confusion, but if God is real then the orginised worhip of that God is very good for society, but you would say thast that argument is moot, because you don't want God brought up in a discussion about religion. That's like discussing flight without discussing air or gravity.

Putting the "fun" back in Fundamentalist Christian Dogma. " I know God exists because WBAM told me so. " - theory9 JLA brand RACK points = 514k