
Since you don't want to answer a secular question with secular reasoning, we can do it your way.

Acctually I did give you a secular answer. I said religion for religions sake is useless. Only if there is substance to worship does it hold any value.


magicjay38 said:
When you are Ill do you consult a Shaman, A Christian Science Pratitioner, some other faith based healer or a Medical Doctor (MD)?

I go to my doctor as well as ask my church for prayer. My doctor is a Christian so she also prays for me. On a side note. If the MD is so eernally wise why does she have to carry Mal Practice insurance?

The basis of your reasoning is flawed because you attempt to pit science against religion as though the two were in opposition to one another. That's just not true. One of the elders of my church is a scientist. Does that make him any less religious or does it make him any less a scientist?

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