
The Bible began as an oral tradition, not being written down until roughly 60 years after the death of Christ. Even acknowledging that oral traditions were more accurate and reliable than in the modern age of computers and short attention spans, it is reasonable to assume that parts of the Bible were inadvertantly changed as it is passed down to the generations.

That's just not true. I don't mean this as an attempt to dismiss your points, but frankly there are statements here that demonstrate a lack of knowledge as to the contruction of the new testement. First It wasn't strictly an oral tradition. Much of the new testement was written. 3 of the gospels for instance use a sourse document for comparrison. This document is known by scholors as "Q", but that's another topic for another time. second the "oral tradidition wasn't passed down from generations. ^0 years encompases a single generation. Much of the New Testement was written by eye whitneses. To say that some things were lost by passing it down through generations ignores this crucial point. Infact one of the criteria for cannonization was that the books included be written by those present at the time who had a first hand experience with Christ.


There is also considerable allegorical evidence that the Bible is a "final draft" of sorts, framed by the writers to make the best impression. We see this in the suppression of the Dead Sea Scrolls by the Vatican, and many scholars believe that the origins of many passages in the Bible are linked to the ancient tribe of the Essenses (sp?).

There are few schollors who believe this about the tribe of Essenses. Few of the Scholors of the Jesus Seminares aren't acctually schollars by the official use of the term. The Dead sea scrollls weren't supressed either (The Davinchi Code is a work of FICTION) The dead sea scrolls are available for anyone who wishes to read them. The were however dismissed as forgeries made by the Gnostics. Before insisting that these should be included in Scripture should acctually read them. The ideas included were obvious Gnostic propoganda. There's a level of Mysogeny that flys in the face of The true Scriptures. The Gnostics were known before the time of Christ for thier habit of creating forgeries and attributing them to well known philosophers. A basic understanding of the history makes it clear as to why they were so easily dismissed at the time.

Putting the "fun" back in Fundamentalist Christian Dogma. " I know God exists because WBAM told me so. " - theory9 JLA brand RACK points = 514k