You absolutely are attacking people whose beliefs differ from yours.

I've never cared whether a person has faith or not--except when that faith is forced upon me. Say what you will about science, but America was purposely founded as a secularist state precisely so that those indifferent/resistant to other religious beliefs could live in peace.

I'll say this: it sounds like the ultimate difference betwwen us is which "book" (or path) each person chooses to believe. For my part, I have tried to steer away from the "my side is right, yours is wrong" type of posts that bog down the message boards. If you say there's no way to scientifically measure the distance between celestial bodies, then I'll spend no more of my time arguing the contrary point.

Something to consider, however, is that science is not "disproven" in the sense that it is something that evolves through the acquisition of knoweledge and the presentation of new ideas. Just as the earth was once flat and the center of the universe, our understanding of the universe continues to progress.