
theory9 said:
Science offers a variety of tools-mathematics, physics, and chemistry are a few-that allow us to measure and evaluate the world around us (these tools also predate the Bible). One can discover, through observation and interaction, the laws of the universe; these laws are not immutable and limited by our understanding, but do offer a fairly consistent view of the world. The attraction between masses, the distance to the sun and other planets, and their relation to each other can also be evaluated and proven by conducting experiments in a lab (or even in one's backyard).

And you seem to be of the mind that none of this applies to discovering any truth within the accounts of the Bible--And they do.

Why exactly do you feel that science is something more than analysis? It doesn't create facts, it discovers them. And what you continually avoid is the fact that, by scientific analysis, many Biblical accounts have been proved true.


it is reasonable to assume that parts of the Bible were inadvertantly changed as it is passed down to the generations.

Reasonable based on what? How old it is? If that's the case, most secular history books are called to question as well.


We see this in the suppression of the Dead Sea Scrolls by the Vatican, and many scholars believe that the origins of many passages in the Bible are linked to the ancient tribe of the Essenses (sp?).

Suppression? In other words, "Absence of proof is proof of absence". Can you base this "Vatican edits" on more than mere non-disclosure?

And what exactly creates a link between passages in the Bible and that tribe you mentioned?


God is a matter of faith, and everyone is welcome to it, but I would have to share your faith for any argument to work.

You say this whilst you, yourself, have created your own faith.

As I said before, even if you choose to discount the presence of God within the Bible, that does not make the scripture itself illogical. If you want to truly act intelligent, than you'd argue the logic behind the philosophy and not the author of the book.


Nothing is logical about the existence of God, and a logical argument where no premises are granted would find God to be a short subject.

What makes the existence of God illogical?


r3x29yz4a said:
science is also constantly being updated, you're not allowed to update or even question the bible.

This, in and of itself, does not make science correct--Nor does it make Christianity wrong.


r3x29yz4a said:
please tell me one aspect of the bible that you disagree with.

I don't disagree with any of its message.


What does Scripture have to say to rebut that position?

Pretty much everything. You just threw out a bunch of unfounded accusations based on the assumption that every single religious hierarchy in the past was corrupt...Big deal. It's the same knee-jerk you always use.