I think what Doc is saying is what I was saying. You are basing it on faith in formulas. Just as you said earlier Science is constantly changing so while today you believe it to be fact that the sun is x-miles from earth by science tomorrow it may be z-miles, or even none they may decide that they believe it to be a illusion. Just as everyone here has said. Science is based upon facts, but the facts keep changing. Therefore it is faith that they are right. Schools teach science as absolute and the majority of people decide that that is the truth. Just like my Man on The Moon point in one of these threads. People in general believe this while not actually having been there. This is based on faith. Scientific formulas are the Bible to those who believe. They are passed down from men to other men. No one can prove to me that the sun is x-miles away, yet they will say it can be proved through experiments. If it is REALLY proven then how is it disproven in ten or twelve years? This is the gist of my problem in saying science isnt a religion. If something is truly proven as a fact it cannot change later. If it did change then it shows it was never actually proven in the first place.