
Regarding the vase analogy, why would someone have cause to assume otherwise?

When you enter a room where there is an 800 pound gorrilla and a broken vase you don't know what broke the vase. It could have been broken prior to the arrival of the gorrila, but to rule out the gorrilla would be foolish and unscientific. Just as viewing a series of infinately complex forms and given that out of nothing comes nothing to dismiss even the possibility that there is an intellegence beyond ours. It seems odd that when we of faith say that we belive in teh Scriptures it's assumed we don't believe in science. We simply don't believe that science has all the answers. Science can describe energy, how it fuctions and how to predict it's responses, but can science tell us why we care what energy does?

Putting the "fun" back in Fundamentalist Christian Dogma. " I know God exists because WBAM told me so. " - theory9 JLA brand RACK points = 514k