
Jim Jackson said:

It's not unscientific. It's simply irrelevant to science. One need not answer the "problem of God" before tackling any other problem. And one can continue to do perfectly good science and completely discount that there's a God at all. Tons of atheistic scientists out there doing perfectly good work.

You've completely changed subjects. You went from saying that most scietists assumed there was no God in coming to scietific conclusions, now you've back pedddled to scientists don't have to believe in God to do good science, which, by the way, I agree with.


Have you ever seen energy?

Light a match and stick your finger in it and tell me you don't have an empirical sense of energy.

In other words you can feel the effects of energy? While you can't see it you know it's there because the effects are evident. Man, you've lost this one and you don't even realise it.

Putting the "fun" back in Fundamentalist Christian Dogma. " I know God exists because WBAM told me so. " - theory9 JLA brand RACK points = 514k