
magicjay38 said:

Captain Sammitch said:
Whereas adherents of certain other aforementioned religions have set off plenty of explosives explicity in the name of their religion(s). Again, not enough representation to be a valid indictment against the religion itself, but the flaw in your logic is visible here as well.

That is a rather long winded way of saying I'm wrong. My logic is flawed but you never say what that flaw is.

To reduce my statement:

A. Citizens of the USA are primarily Christian.

B. All presidents since 1941 have professed Christianity.

C. These same men have authorized the detonation of many bombs.

Therefore, Christians do explode bombs.

So tell me great and wise Poobah Sammitch, where is the flaw in my logic? What piece of evidence is incorrect?

The flaw is that it's useless. You string together arguments that the best you can say is that they are gramatically correct. You aren't acctually proving anything save you passed english. You want to argue semantics go to the writers block section and spin a yarn.

Putting the "fun" back in Fundamentalist Christian Dogma. " I know God exists because WBAM told me so. " - theory9 JLA brand RACK points = 514k