
Pariah said:

Stupid Doog said:

magicjay said:

Well, Dickwad, we're all progeny of incest. Since the world was repopulated after the not so great flood by Noe's daughters lying with him after the old geezer had drunk too much T-bird!

It was actually Lot who got drunk. Since he and his daughters were living in a cave out of fear of living in Zoar (after the destruction of Sodom and Gamorrah), his daughters had no men to continue the family line, so they got Lot drunk and had sex with him. Genesis 19: 30-32

Maybe you were joking about that, I don't know. But I figured in case somebody saw that and took it as canon I'd correct it.

Actually, I just remembered that it's both. One of Noah's sons was in the vicinity of Noah whilst he was drunk on wine and took advantage of his inebriated state.

Gay incest, drunken incest rape, multiple wives, murder.
The Bible is a great moral tale for us all.

Bow ties are coool.