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#544578 2005-07-15 11:22 AM
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This is the thread where you can ask elisa anything. She will post her new pics here and we can all be bored to death with her school stories.....lols;p!!!

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Your death will make me king!
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PJP said:


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November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
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I won a gold medal for fucking Princess Elisa........oh its true!

Its true........its damn true!
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I do really want in the family..I have to admit.......

Last edited by Pig Iron; 2005-07-16 1:32 AM.

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man that girl is hot...............

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Pj said:
This is the thread where you can ask elisa anything. She will post her new pics here and we can all be bored to death with her school stories. ....lols;p!!!

Darn it missed my sexiest one but its already on the Elisa Thread on Page 5 , so its all good.......

Btw Jla....Pj SO deserves a freakin' rack for this

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There ya go!

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Your death will make me king!
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Glacier16 said:

It bears repeating.

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Wednesday said:

Glacier16 said:

It bears repeating.


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Hey 'lisa. I'm gonna cut you up if that's cool. If not, no biggie.

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Please do.......death would be kinda nice Although cutting????? come on babe...

No inner city kids who hate me and look for ways to torture me starting August 15 or my future depending on how their Taks scores turn out.....heaven does sound much nicer this time of year :P

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He meant he wants to poke your slit.

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Brutally honest, but funny!

"Ah good. Now I'm on the internet clearly saying I like tranny cleavage. This shouldn't get me harassed at all."
-- Lothar of the Hill People
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rexstardust99: I'm leaving to.
rexstardust99 has left the room.
TheElisaPrincess: i would vote parys doesnt knwo when to shut up
TheElisaPrincess: plus i thought he was one of you raider people anyways......
PJPGYRO: rex didnt eve say goodbye
PJPGYRO: whats raider people
TheElisaPrincess: strange.........its okay rex knows i like him
TheElisaPrincess: seriously if i could meet anybody i'd love to meet rex
TheElisaPrincess: the "insiders"
PJPGYRO: more than glacys
PJPGYRO: I dont raid
PJPGYRO: I dont go anywhere but here
PJPGYRO: I cant be bothered
TheElisaPrincess: yeah more than glacys cuz i just chill with rex
TheElisaPrincess: with glac i have to be flirty.....
PJPGYRO: but you should be yourself
PJPGYRO: glacys would like that
PJPGYRO: he doesnt ask you to be anything you arent
TheElisaPrincess: i am myself, its just a little more stress to meet him
PJPGYRO: so you feel safe with rex
TheElisaPrincess: totally safe with rex....i dont know why
PJPGYRO: like another girlfriend
TheElisaPrincess: i mean i'd feel safe with glac but it would be different
TheElisaPrincess: girlfriend? um...........really good guy friend
PJPGYRO: you know what I mean
TheElisaPrincess: he did get me to go back to the boards ya know
PJPGYRO: safe like you would with the girls
TheElisaPrincess: i seriously wasnt gonna come back and he talked me into it
TheElisaPrincess: darn it
TheElisaPrincess: that was good
TheElisaPrincess: message too loarge
TheElisaPrincess: safe as in one o fthose people you could chill with on the front porch the whole night
TheElisaPrincess: and talk about everything till dawn broke
PJPGYRO: rex talked you into coming back
PJPGYRO: why were you going to leave
TheElisaPrincess: Was it after the sideways thing?
TheElisaPrincess: or the bsams thing
TheElisaPrincess: darn i dont even remember
PJPGYRO: well you should never leave on account of other people
TheElisaPrincess: um.........I think the sideways stuff
PJPGYRO: yeah hes a dick
PJPGYRO: real douchebag
TheElisaPrincess: well ill always be lurking......its too much fun seeing the drama......anyways rex being rex is all
TheElisaPrincess: you should come back........there are always people who will like you and hate you in life
PJPGYRO: rex is like one of the girls with you
TheElisaPrincess: you just have to rise above it
TheElisaPrincess: No not one of the girls, he's a guy
PJPGYRO: you would feel safe with he wouldnt try anything sexual
TheElisaPrincess: but like if he lived closer and we hung out and became friends, we'd probably start dating
PJPGYRO: I know he's a guy
TheElisaPrincess: not one of the girls..........
PJPGYRO: but when a girl feels safe with a guy
PJPGYRO: they say it's like one of the girls
TheElisaPrincess: doesnt mean he cant try anything....just have good taste when he chooses to do so
PJPGYRO: it's a NJ saying
TheElisaPrincess: its a Texas one too ;-)
PJPGYRO: rex is like one of the girls
PJPGYRO: nice and safe
PJPGYRO: he's a just a safe friend
TheElisaPrincess: Pj the definition of 'safe friends" doesnt mean id never be interested in them ;-)
PJPGYRO: I guess
PJPGYRO: so are you interested in rex
PJPGYRO: is that what you are saying
TheElisaPrincess: you boys.......
PJPGYRO: you have seen his pics right?
PJPGYRO: answer the question
PJPGYRO: he is either one of the girls
TheElisaPrincess: girls arent visual, course ive seen his picture, he's cute
PJPGYRO: or you are interested in him
PJPGYRO: a puppy
TheElisaPrincess: kidna hard to pursue a cyber relationship pj......ever try?
TheElisaPrincess: cute as in if he were down here, i'd go up to him and ask him out
PJPGYRO: its not that hard
TheElisaPrincess: yeah..........:P
PJPGYRO: I met my wife on
TheElisaPrincess: but thats
TheElisaPrincess: not hte psycho rkmbs :P
PJPGYRO: so this is better
TheElisaPrincess: pj the matchmaker :P
PJPGYRO: you know the people way better than you do on
PJPGYRO: Im not matchmaking
TheElisaPrincess: somewhat better
PJPGYRO: I dont give a fuck
PJPGYRO: Im just talking to you
TheElisaPrincess: Mrhm.........your tender hearted just admit it ;-)
PJPGYRO: no not really
PJPGYRO: I like seeing rex wallow in misery
TheElisaPrincess: Yeah i married a kindergarten teacher :-)
TheElisaPrincess: boys like each other so much you tease each other all the time ;p
PJPGYRO: why would tht make me tender hearted
PJPGYRO: yeah but that doesnt mean I like him
PJPGYRO: I actually kind of hate him
PJPGYRO: but I dont want to go into it
PJPGYRO: anyhoo
TheElisaPrincess: uhuh..........suuurreeee ;-)
TheElisaPrincess: you get to leave work in five minutes *yeah*
PJPGYRO: so rex is like one of the girls
TheElisaPrincess: LOL
TheElisaPrincess: no hes not
PJPGYRO: we'veablished that
PJPGYRO: hes not
PJPGYRO: so you are interested in him?
TheElisaPrincess: i meant not like girl friends, its different.........interested? yeah.....why do all you boys live so far away?
PJPGYRO: I don't get forced out when my shift ends
PJPGYRO: I own the place remember
TheElisaPrincess: mrhm......cuz your the boss ;-)\
TheElisaPrincess: the question is should i give glac my address or not........i dont know, id rather meet him seomwhere
PJPGYRO: so would you let rex paint your toenalis
TheElisaPrincess: no
PJPGYRO: toenails
TheElisaPrincess: i need to get a pedicure though
PJPGYRO: thats what girlfriends do
PJPGYRO: he would do it
TheElisaPrincess: not guys.......
TheElisaPrincess: he's not gonna paint my tonails, i vote for massages.........thats what i vote for :P
PJPGYRO: guys like rex you said
TheElisaPrincess: but girls dont do that :P
TheElisaPrincess: its supposed to be a guy thing
PJPGYRO: you want rex to give you a massage
TheElisaPrincess: yup....not a full body one mind you but a neck and back one would be nice.......
PJPGYRO: nude?
TheElisaPrincess: well your the one talking about doing stuff
TheElisaPrincess: not nude...........ther egoes your mind again :P
PJPGYRO: why massages in the nude are better
PJPGYRO: so what girly things would you do with rex?
TheElisaPrincess: nothing girly
PJPGYRO: maybe go to the mall and shop for bras
TheElisaPrincess: Im not tha tmuch of a girly girl, we'd go hang out and talk
TheElisaPrincess: i wouldnt put a guy through that
PJPGYRO: where?
TheElisaPrincess: Im not a big shopper
PJPGYRO: I meant for him
TheElisaPrincess: i dont know.......wherever
PJPGYRO: he likes to go to the dock and drink beer and curse
PJPGYRO: would you do that with him
TheElisaPrincess: darn it........i forgot about hte beer thing
PJPGYRO: he is an angry man you know
TheElisaPrincess: what is the deal: pigsy, rex, ..............
TheElisaPrincess: how is he angry?
PJPGYRO: all men drink
PJPGYRO: how is rex angry??????
TheElisaPrincess: not all men, there are a few that dont ;-)
PJPGYRO: now that was funny
TheElisaPrincess: how was it funny?
TheElisaPrincess: hes never been angry per se with me
PJPGYRO: yeah alcoholics dont drink anymore
PJPGYRO: not to your face
PJPGYRO: he says shit sometimes
PJPGYRO: when you piss him off
PJPGYRO: he gets so mad
TheElisaPrincess: i didnt know that.....he's always been pretty sweet with me
PJPGYRO: he says he could just choke the life out of something
PJPGYRO: kind of scary
PJPGYRO: anyhoo
PJPGYRO: I really want to know why you think of rex as one of the girls
PJPGYRO: and glacys as a big tough macho guy
PJPGYRO: that intimidates you
TheElisaPrincess: he doesnt intimidate me...........
TheElisaPrincess: its hard to explain :P
PJPGYRO: oh good
PJPGYRO: he makes you a little wet
TheElisaPrincess: im a teacher....i cant be intimaidated
PJPGYRO: like a funny feeling
PJPGYRO: in between your legs
TheElisaPrincess: shutup pjs ;P
PJPGYRO: I'll take that as a yes
TheElisaPrincess: no its not sexual as of yet, just flirting back and forth, i dont think ill ever let it go
TheElisaPrincess: that far
PJPGYRO: so glacys makes you wet........and rex is one of the girls
PJPGYRO: what aout jers and pigsy
TheElisaPrincess: he does wanna meet me though.............why did i agree to meet with animal?
PJPGYRO: they used to be high on your list
TheElisaPrincess: he vanished
TheElisaPrincess: Pigsy wont let me call him or talk to him anymore
TheElisaPrincess: like outside of imming..........
PJPGYRO: he likes 48 year old single moms
TheElisaPrincess: so I've heard ;-)
PJPGYRO: thats another story
TheElisaPrincess: althought he was pretty pissed last night
TheElisaPrincess: that was cute ;P
PJPGYRO: he has needs you know
PJPGYRO: men have needs elisa
TheElisaPrincess: No?????? Seriously :P
PJPGYRO: someday you will have to take that next step
PJPGYRO: you will like it
TheElisaPrincess: yeah im procrastianting that as long as possible
PJPGYRO: trust me
TheElisaPrincess: cuz with my luck i'll be unmarried, knocked up, and get fired
PJPGYRO: you should do the first with someone you dont give a shit about
TheElisaPrincess: what?
TheElisaPrincess: cuz its carelesss and clumsy?
TheElisaPrincess: hehehehe didnt know i knew that did ya :P
PJPGYRO: you know a lot more than you let on
PJPGYRO: have you ever given a guy a blowjob
PJPGYRO: you can practice on a banana you know
TheElisaPrincess: no..............heard in detail from my sister about it......she almost gagged several times
PJPGYRO: remember no teeth....that is very important
PJPGYRO: and play with the balls
PJPGYRO: but not too hard
PJPGYRO: gagging is OK dont be embarrassed about gagging
TheElisaPrincess: whats up with all the sex tips?
TheElisaPrincess: just "in case" :P
TheElisaPrincess: its okay.......gotta jet and go gymming! Good luck with the birthday party ;-)
TheElisaPrincess has left the room.

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Fused said:
Hey 'lisa. I'm gonna cut you up if that's cool.


PrincessElisa said:
Please do....... come on babe...

So that's a yes.

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Where is the love PJ.....where is the LOVE?!? Starting to turn into Sideways...

Whatever Fusy.............I'm not into weird sexual stuff, thanks for asking me nicely though

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Boobie boobie boobies!

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Elisa told me that she's done with the RKMBS.

Which means she'll be back in a couple days.

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because ani is gay?

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She told me to post her goodbye message:

...before they all shrivel out of my mind forever.

This is it, this is the end.

I've been here... not quite as long as everybody else, but I'm sure almost everyone knows my name. Because I'm already #14 on the top posters list and by deductive reasoning that means I am constantly talking on here and kinda hard to ignore. Or not notice.

Anyways, I'm not sure of this as a fact, but I think my IQ has dropped since I joined Rob's louverly boards. I DO know for a fact my attention span has shortened dramatically. And frankly, I don't like this. I miss reading books and being alone with my thoughts. I don't have any self control unless I force myself to have no other option, which is the reason I'm writing this rather than just quietly dissappearing.

Goodbye, I don't think I'll be around again.

I have allowed this place to drain and rot my mind and I thoroughly sick of it. I hate not having the intellectual edge I used to flaunt so effortlessly. So this is it. Auf Wiedersehen.

With regards,
Princess Elisa

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hah, I remember this

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And, to be fair, one of my favorite friends there is blind and I take every opportunity available to make fun of that and we're still friends. That guy never fit there. He never got the spirit of the RKMBs. We're gonna keep an eye on the obits, see if he finally left or if he really did have a heart attack.
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i refuse to say goodbye.

And, to be fair, one of my favorite friends there is blind and I take every opportunity available to make fun of that and we're still friends. That guy never fit there. He never got the spirit of the RKMBs. We're gonna keep an eye on the obits, see if he finally left or if he really did have a heart attack.
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sneaky bunny said:
i refuse to say goodbye.

I mean, if you're going to just give up everytime someone does something horribly offensive and embarrassing... well, fuck me! I would have killed myself a million times over by now, as well as assholes such as Stupid Doog and Rex.

"Ah good. Now I'm on the internet clearly saying I like tranny cleavage. This shouldn't get me harassed at all."
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yes, you should have.

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walked your hairy ass right into that one didn't you?

And, to be fair, one of my favorite friends there is blind and I take every opportunity available to make fun of that and we're still friends. That guy never fit there. He never got the spirit of the RKMBs. We're gonna keep an eye on the obits, see if he finally left or if he really did have a heart attack.
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yes I did.

"Ah good. Now I'm on the internet clearly saying I like tranny cleavage. This shouldn't get me harassed at all."
-- Lothar of the Hill People
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rex said:
She told me to post her goodbye message:

...before they all shrivel out of my mind forever.

This is it, this is the end.

I've been here... not quite as long as everybody else, but I'm sure almost everyone knows my name. Because I'm already #14 on the top posters list and by deductive reasoning that means I am constantly talking on here and kinda hard to ignore. Or not notice.

Anyways, I'm not sure of this as a fact, but I think my IQ has dropped since I joined Rob's louverly boards. I DO know for a fact my attention span has shortened dramatically. And frankly, I don't like this. I miss reading books and being alone with my thoughts. I don't have any self control unless I force myself to have no other option, which is the reason I'm writing this rather than just quietly dissappearing.

Goodbye, I don't think I'll be around again.

I have allowed this place to drain and rot my mind and I thoroughly sick of it. I hate not having the intellectual edge I used to flaunt so effortlessly. So this is it. Auf Wiedersehen.

With regards,
Princess Elisa

PrincessElisa is one word. Did you think we'd not notice your fabrications yet again? That's not cool.

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No shit? That was a fake?

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She'd never ask you to post a goodbye message. She'd go to PJP before anyone else. He's cool like me.




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