It all began so great: until third period........when I had to kids pretend to fight..........dang what is it with them?!? Then a horrible migraine hit and I got really dizzy.......darn didnt feel good at all (trying to monitro a hyper class before lunch with a splittin headache is SOO hard). Anyway, afterwards i went and told the coaches how bad the kids had been with me (the kids later apologized).
The worst thing happened in fifth and sixth period: I left the radio on and this kid turned it all the way up (damn.....I swear): threw paper acrss the room, talked across the room to another kid, cheated off th ekid next to him and my normally awesome boys were bad which means tomorrow Im gettin to teh school early and calling their parents (hopefully finding the numbers!).
Then sixth period comes in and this girl sits where she's not supposed to (next to he best friend which she will talk/pass notes to the rest of class). I turn to look at her and say.."you are NOT supposed to sit there you have five seconds to move where you are supposed to or you're out of my class."
She looked at me with fire in her eyes and said, "The hell you will......I dare you to do something to me." I was so pissed Off I started debating if slapping that defiant look on her face was worth the prison time.... so I leave, find another teacher and have them pull her out of my class (yes I ask another teacher to watch my class while I got anther teacher to help me out).
But wait.....same class period: fight almost breaks out (had to throw my body between two girls and force them to sit down again.....its SUCH a pain. Get the class quiet again and this girl out of the corner of my eye tries to erase my board which had a lot of example problems to help them work through their classwork and at the same time throw something across the floor to her friend while talking trying to have the class riot against this girl in the back of class.
So I let everybody go but thse girls and ask them, "What the hell are you thinking? Why can't you behave." GRRRRRRRRRR!
Im going to stop there and not mention seventh period in all of its glory or after school tutoring turning into an "investigation". At least Friday is early sixth OR seventh period........
And did I mention when I finally made it to the gym to run off stress it was closed?!? GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! Damn it..........please let tomorrow be better!