So....FINALLY making it to the doctor, he gave me a Cortizone shot *yeahs* which means I finally have my girly voice back. It's crazy though, cuz the shot keeps your pulse racing for bout three hours and after that you feel dead exhausted (course it could be the fact I didn't sleep much last night....three hours maybe!)....
That being the case, I think I will take a bath and collapse into bed early tonight and begin grading tomorrow....yuck.
I did get to see an old friend from high school. THAT was crazily fun! She's even more super outgoing and happy than I am....totally fun! We both griped about everybody getting married, our high school reunion being a year away, and shared crazy dating was amazing! Almost like we were both back in high school, on the color guard chatting back and forth after practice. Anyway, I need to go before I fall asleep on my computer....night you guys!