Rex says this picture is hot but I just think its so/so........
Anyway.....I got back my kids state math scores! Percentages below are the percentages of kids who passed the statewide final. HAHAHA....even seventh period had a freakin 83% passing rate. SEVENTH PERIOD! My class from hell who only wants to talk about me/who's ADD/NEVER pays attention. I know they didn't cheat either cuz I watched them like a hawk I still don't understand how kids that have a 50 in my class got an 84....'cept the other teachers I talked to said, "yeah baby. Smart kids they just don't do work for us either." Hah....summon the heroes I can teach.....YES!
Breakdown for those of you that care by class period (tries hard not to gloat):
1) 78% passing rate
2) 67% passing rate
3) 76% passing rate
5) 60 % passing rate
6) 64% passing rate
7) 83% passing rate
I was wondering why all the higher ups were all, "hey...happy new years ash. Good to see ya." Sweetness of life, I tell yas....