Quote: PJP said: rexstardust99: I'm leaving to. rexstardust99 has left the room. PJPGYRO: whoa TheElisaPrincess: i would vote parys doesnt knwo when to shut up TheElisaPrincess: plus i thought he was one of you raider people anyways...... PJPGYRO: rex didnt eve say goodbye PJPGYRO: whats raider people TheElisaPrincess: strange.........its okay rex knows i like him TheElisaPrincess: seriously if i could meet anybody i'd love to meet rex TheElisaPrincess: the "insiders" PJPGYRO: more than glacys PJPGYRO: I dont raid PJPGYRO: I dont go anywhere but here PJPGYRO: I cant be bothered TheElisaPrincess: yeah more than glacys cuz i just chill with rex TheElisaPrincess: with glac i have to be flirty..... PJPGYRO: yeah PJPGYRO: but you should be yourself PJPGYRO: glacys would like that PJPGYRO: he doesnt ask you to be anything you arent TheElisaPrincess: i am myself, its just a little more stress to meet him PJPGYRO: so you feel safe with rex TheElisaPrincess: totally safe with rex....i dont know why PJPGYRO: like another girlfriend TheElisaPrincess: i mean i'd feel safe with glac but it would be different TheElisaPrincess: girlfriend? um...........really good guy friend PJPGYRO: you know what I mean TheElisaPrincess: he did get me to go back to the boards ya know PJPGYRO: safe like you would with the girls TheElisaPrincess: i seriously wasnt gonna come back and he talked me into it PJPGYRO: who TheElisaPrincess: darn it TheElisaPrincess: that was good TheElisaPrincess: message too loarge TheElisaPrincess: safe as in one o fthose people you could chill with on the front porch the whole night TheElisaPrincess: and talk about everything till dawn broke PJPGYRO: rex talked you into coming back PJPGYRO: why were you going to leave TheElisaPrincess: Was it after the sideways thing? TheElisaPrincess: or the bsams thing TheElisaPrincess: darn i dont even remember PJPGYRO: well you should never leave on account of other people TheElisaPrincess: um.........I think the sideways stuff PJPGYRO: yeah hes a dick PJPGYRO: real douchebag TheElisaPrincess: well ill always be lurking......its too much fun seeing the drama......anyways rex being rex is all TheElisaPrincess: you should come back........there are always people who will like you and hate you in life PJPGYRO: rex is like one of the girls with you TheElisaPrincess: you just have to rise above it TheElisaPrincess: No not one of the girls, he's a guy PJPGYRO: you would feel safe with him......like he wouldnt try anything sexual TheElisaPrincess: but like if he lived closer and we hung out and became friends, we'd probably start dating PJPGYRO: I know he's a guy TheElisaPrincess: not one of the girls.......... PJPGYRO: but when a girl feels safe with a guy PJPGYRO: they say it's like one of the girls TheElisaPrincess: doesnt mean he cant try anything....just have good taste when he chooses to do so PJPGYRO: it's a NJ saying TheElisaPrincess: its a Texas one too ;-) PJPGYRO: rex is like one of the girls PJPGYRO: nice and safe PJPGYRO: he's a just a safe friend TheElisaPrincess: Pj the definition of 'safe friends" doesnt mean id never be interested in them ;-) PJPGYRO: I guess PJPGYRO: so are you interested in rex PJPGYRO: is that what you are saying TheElisaPrincess: you boys....... PJPGYRO: you have seen his pics right? PJPGYRO: answer the question PJPGYRO: he is either one of the girls TheElisaPrincess: girls arent visual, course ive seen his picture, he's cute PJPGYRO: or you are interested in him PJPGYRO: cute....like a puppy TheElisaPrincess: kidna hard to pursue a cyber relationship pj......ever try? TheElisaPrincess: cute as in if he were down here, i'd go up to him and ask him out PJPGYRO: its not that hard TheElisaPrincess: yeah..........:P PJPGYRO: I met my wife on match.com TheElisaPrincess: but thats match.com TheElisaPrincess: not hte psycho rkmbs PJPGYRO: so this is better TheElisaPrincess: pj the matchmaker PJPGYRO: you know the people way better than you do on match.com PJPGYRO: Im not matchmaking TheElisaPrincess: somewhat better PJPGYRO: I dont give a fuck PJPGYRO: Im just talking to you TheElisaPrincess: Mrhm.........your tender hearted just admit it ;-) PJPGYRO: no not really PJPGYRO: I like seeing rex wallow in misery TheElisaPrincess: Yeah right...........mr. i married a kindergarten teacher :-) TheElisaPrincess: whatever.......you boys like each other so much you tease each other all the time ;p PJPGYRO: why would tht make me tender hearted PJPGYRO: yeah but that doesnt mean I like him PJPGYRO: I actually kind of hate him PJPGYRO: but I dont want to go into it PJPGYRO: anyhoo TheElisaPrincess: uhuh..........suuurreeee ;-) TheElisaPrincess: you get to leave work in five minutes *yeah* PJPGYRO: so rex is like one of the girls TheElisaPrincess: LOL TheElisaPrincess: no hes not PJPGYRO: we'veablished that PJPGYRO: hes not PJPGYRO: so you are interested in him? TheElisaPrincess: i meant not like girl friends, its different.........interested? yeah.....why do all you boys live so far away? PJPGYRO: I don't get forced out when my shift ends PJPGYRO: I own the place remember TheElisaPrincess: mrhm......cuz your the boss ;-)\ PJPGYRO: yup TheElisaPrincess: the question is should i give glac my address or not........i dont know, id rather meet him seomwhere PJPGYRO: so would you let rex paint your toenalis TheElisaPrincess: no PJPGYRO: toenails TheElisaPrincess: i need to get a pedicure though PJPGYRO: thats what girlfriends do PJPGYRO: he would do it TheElisaPrincess: not guys....... TheElisaPrincess: he's not gonna paint my tonails, i vote for massages.........thats what i vote for PJPGYRO: guys like rex you said TheElisaPrincess: but girls dont do that TheElisaPrincess: its supposed to be a guy thing PJPGYRO: you want rex to give you a massage TheElisaPrincess: yup....not a full body one mind you but a neck and back one would be nice....... PJPGYRO: nude? TheElisaPrincess: well your the one talking about doing stuff TheElisaPrincess: not nude...........ther egoes your mind again PJPGYRO: why massages in the nude are better PJPGYRO: so what girly things would you do with rex? TheElisaPrincess: nothing girly PJPGYRO: maybe go to the mall and shop for bras TheElisaPrincess: Im not tha tmuch of a girly girl, we'd go hang out and talk TheElisaPrincess: i wouldnt put a guy through that PJPGYRO: where? TheElisaPrincess: Im not a big shopper PJPGYRO: I meant for him TheElisaPrincess: i dont know.......wherever PJPGYRO: he likes to go to the dock and drink beer and curse PJPGYRO: would you do that with him TheElisaPrincess: darn it........i forgot about hte beer thing PJPGYRO: he is an angry man you know TheElisaPrincess: what is the deal: pigsy, rex, .............. TheElisaPrincess: how is he angry? PJPGYRO: all men drink PJPGYRO: how is rex angry?????? TheElisaPrincess: not all men, there are a few that dont ;-) PJPGYRO: now that was funny TheElisaPrincess: how was it funny? TheElisaPrincess: hes never been angry per se with me PJPGYRO: yeah alcoholics dont drink anymore PJPGYRO: not to your face PJPGYRO: he says shit sometimes PJPGYRO: when you piss him off PJPGYRO: he gets so mad TheElisaPrincess: i didnt know that.....he's always been pretty sweet with me PJPGYRO: he says he could just choke the life out of something PJPGYRO: kind of scary PJPGYRO: anyhoo PJPGYRO: I really want to know why you think of rex as one of the girls PJPGYRO: and glacys as a big tough macho guy PJPGYRO: that intimidates you TheElisaPrincess: he doesnt intimidate me........... TheElisaPrincess: its hard to explain PJPGYRO: oh good PJPGYRO: he makes you a little wet TheElisaPrincess: im a teacher....i cant be intimaidated PJPGYRO: like a funny feeling PJPGYRO: in between your legs TheElisaPrincess: shutup pjs ;P PJPGYRO: I'll take that as a yes TheElisaPrincess: no its not sexual as of yet, just flirting back and forth, i dont think ill ever let it go TheElisaPrincess: that far PJPGYRO: so glacys makes you wet........and rex is one of the girls PJPGYRO: what aout jers and pigsy TheElisaPrincess: he does wanna meet me though.............why did i agree to meet with animal? PJPGYRO: they used to be high on your list TheElisaPrincess: jers.........no he vanished TheElisaPrincess: Pigsy wont let me call him or talk to him anymore TheElisaPrincess: like outside of imming.......... PJPGYRO: he likes 48 year old single moms TheElisaPrincess: so I've heard ;-) PJPGYRO: thats another story TheElisaPrincess: althought he was pretty pissed last night TheElisaPrincess: that was cute ;P PJPGYRO: he has needs you know PJPGYRO: men have needs elisa TheElisaPrincess: No?????? Seriously PJPGYRO: someday you will have to take that next step PJPGYRO: you will like it TheElisaPrincess: yeah im procrastianting that as long as possible PJPGYRO: trust me TheElisaPrincess: cuz with my luck i'll be unmarried, knocked up, and get fired PJPGYRO: you should do the first with someone you dont give a shit about TheElisaPrincess: what? TheElisaPrincess: cuz its carelesss and clumsy? TheElisaPrincess: hehehehe didnt know i knew that did ya PJPGYRO: you know a lot more than you let on PJPGYRO: have you ever given a guy a blowjob PJPGYRO: you can practice on a banana you know TheElisaPrincess: no..............heard in detail from my sister about it......she almost gagged several times PJPGYRO: remember no teeth....that is very important PJPGYRO: and play with the balls PJPGYRO: but not too hard PJPGYRO: gagging is OK dont be embarrassed about gagging TheElisaPrincess: whats up with all the sex tips? TheElisaPrincess: just "in case" PJPGYRO: brb TheElisaPrincess: its okay.......gotta jet and go gymming! Good luck with the birthday party ;-) TheElisaPrincess has left the room.