
Simon Diamond came out with David Young. Diamond says that he loves untapped potential in athletes and sees a lot of blue collar potential in Young. He says that Young didn’t win a match in two years because he didn’t have the proper guidance. He said that Young has it now in him and is now part of Simon’s “Diamonds in the Rough.” Where’s Trytan?

Simon Diamond & David Young vs. Sonny Siaki & Apollo

Young and Apollo started off with Apollo pressing and dropping Young. Tenay said that Diamond sees himself as a mix of Joe Torre and Bobby Knight. The babyfaces hit a flapjack on Young. Siaki took over Young with an armdrag. Diamond pulled down the ropes as Siaki rebounded off the ropes. Siaki fell to the floor. Young hit a springboard moonsault to the floor. Apollo took down Diamond. Siaki worked over Diamond and Young with chops on the floor. Back in the ring, Young slapped Siaki and he responded in kind. Diamond tagged in and cleaned house on Siaki. Diamond was unable to get a pinfall. Apollo tagged in and took out Diamond and Young. Diamond went for a discus forearm but Apollo hit an Ace Crusher. Young hit a spinebuster on Apollo but wasn’t the legal man and his pin was unallowed. Apollo took down Young and scored the pin.

Your winners, Apollo and Siaki

Mike Tenay and Don West plugged the 10/23 Bound for Glory PPV, saying it would be the biggest PPV from the company to date.