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Her's the results for TNA's No Surrender, taken once again from PWinsider.com. Quote:
No Surrender Pre-Game Show:
They aired a No Surrender video package. Jeremy Borash and Shane Douglas ran down the card for the PPV.
Jim Mitchell cut a promo behind a fence discussing Abyss’ challenge of Raven in tonight’s main event, putting over that there is “No Surrender.”
They aired a video feature on the NWA championship situation.
As Borash and Douglas continued to discuss the Raven-Abyss match, Cassidy Riley appeared behind them dressed like Raven, made the crucifix pose and said, “Nevermore!” Borash remarked that Riley hasn’t been the same since Raven broke his fingers.
They went to comments from Mike Tenay and Don West. As they talked about the NWA title situation, Jeff Jarrett’s music started and he came out and tried to bully Don West. Tenay said that he has a few things he’d like to get off his chest about Jarrett and demanded a mic. Tenay told him he’s not going to hijack the show because TNA has “too much at stake.”
They entered the ring and Jarrett said that two months ago, he was the NWA champion. He said that last month he was handcuffed and hauled out of the show because of TNA. He said that this month he isn’t booked on the card and two weeks ago, WWE had “Black Wednesday.” He said that 16 wrestlers in one day got their pink slip. He said that 30,40, upwards of 50 wrestlers have been fired. Jarrett said that he knows what’s going to happen. He said that TNA is going to open their doors to the wrestlers because they are the only national alternative in the business. Tenay defended TNA’s history of hiring talent. Jarrett said that for every wrestler TNA hires, the wrestlers in the back who built the company will be fired. He said that TNA would fire the wrestlers that brought them to the promised land.
Jarrett said that the person at the top of the “to be fired” list is the man who put the company on his back and brought it to where it is – him. The crowd popped. Jarrett asked them if they thought that TNA should fire Jarrett him. They popped. Jarrett said that they were the same fans who fell for the Matt Hardy storyline and that they don’t know anything about the business. He said that they have their chants but they show how little they know about the business. Jarrett asked Tenay “Is he here tonight?” Tenay questioned who he meant. Jarrett said, “Is Rhyno in the building?” The crowd began chanting, “We want Rhyno.” Tenay said he spoke to Larry Zbyszko and Rhyno would be here tonight. Jarrett said that we haven’t seen the last of him tonight. Don West said that he was speaking for all the fans across the nation and told Jarrett everyone was tired of his act and that he should leave.
They aired a video feature on AJ Styles vs. Sean Waltman featuring comments from special referee Jerry Lynn.
Jerelle Clark vs. Shocker
Mike Tenay and Don West discussed the Jarrett segment during the ring entrances. Shocker and Clark went back and forth with some counter wrestling, ending with Shocker locking in an armbar on Clark. Clark sent Shocker through the ropes with a flying headscissors. He teased going for a dive but Shocker moved off. They tired up with a test of strength, with Shocker getting the better of it. Clark ran up the ropes, coming off with a hurrancanrana. Shocker hooked Clark’s leg and pulled him off the apron to the floor. Shocker tossed him into the ring and hit a cross bodyblock off the top. Clark rolled through and garnered a pair of two counts. Shocker chopped Clark in the corner then drilled him with a shoulderblock into the corner. Shocker set him up for a superplex and connected. Shocker rolled up Clark into the “Shocker Sphere” his patented small package for the pin.
They aired a video feature on TNA X-Division champion Christopher Daniels vs. Petey Williams.
Jeremy Borash and Don West ran down the lineup and discussed that Rhyno would be on the PPV tonight.
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TNA No Surrender opened with a video package looking at Raven’s NWA title win using a lot of effects and footage running in reverse. It was a pretty unique opening with the theme “Every Beginning Has An End.” At the end, it ran backwards to the first image of a rippling water drop.
Mike Tenay introduced the program, followed by a pyrotecnic display.
Michael Shane and Alex Shelley (with Tracy Brooks) vs. America’s Most Wanted
Alex Shelley and James Storm opened up the match going back and forth. The announcers put over Shelley’s mat prowess. Storm chopped Shelley who cut him off with a knee. He tossed Storm over the top but Storm skinned the cat and superkicked him. Chris Harris and Michael Shane each tagged into the match. Harris took down Shane with an armdrag. Shane retreated when Storm tagged back in. AMW worked over Shelley and got a near fall. Harris held up Shane for a long time before dropping him with a certical suplex. Shane tried to walk off from the ring when Storm followed. Shelley blindsided Storm on the floor. Shelley dove off the apron, but Storm moved and he ate the guard rail. Storm and Shelley brawled up the entrance ramp and threw Shelley off into a wall. As security looked over Shelley, Storm did a running dive off onto Shelley. Shane was whipped into the guard rail by Harris. Tracy Brooks grabbed Harris and pulled him off by the hair. Brooks hit Harris with a low blow. Shane went for a piledriver on the ramp but was backdropped over. Harris grabbed Brooks and pulled out a pair of handcuffed, locking her to the ringpost. Shane went for a superkick but Harris ducked under and tagged in Storm. Storm went nuts on Shane, unleashing clotheslines and punches. Storm hits a DDT on Shelley for a two count. Storm hit a whirlybird on Shelley. AMW hit the Hart Attack on Shane for a two count. AMW went for their Death Sentence but Shelley shoved Harris off the ropes. Storm was tossed over the ropes but as he caught himself and skinned the cat, Shane dropkicked him. Brooks tossed Shane a huge platform shoe. He hit Storm with it, but Storm kicked out. He went to hit Storm with the other shoe but he ducked and hit the full nelson slam. Harris superkicked Shane for the pin. Shelley hit a superkick of his own after the bell.
Your winners, America’s Most Wanted.
They aired the Jeff Jarrett segment from the pre-game show to tease the debut of Rhyno.
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Shane Douglas interviewed Team Canada who pushed their six man tag and Petey Williams’ challenge of Christopher Daniels. They were about to sing “O’ Canada” in honor of Scott D’Amore. Jeff Jarrett came up to Team Canada and asked them if they had seen Rhyno. He warned Team Canada that there was going to be a “Black Wednesday” in TNA if everyone wasn’t careful and that they all needed to stick together. Petey Williams told Jarrett that they would have his back, but after he walked away Bobby Rude said that the only person they shouldn’t trust is Jarrett. If they are going with a TNA vs. released WWE wrestlers storyline, that’s an interesting storyline choice.
Super X Cup Qualification: Shark Boy vs. Primetime Elix Skipper vs. Mikey Batts vs. Sonjay Dutt
Prior to the match they ran a video feature pushing that the tournament would start this week on Impact and the finals would be at the next PPV. Mikey Batts has new ring gear that reminds me of the SATs outfits. Batts seemed to be working heel, slapping Dutt. Dutt and Batts chopped each other. Dutt hit flying headscissors. Shark Boy tagged in and faced off with Dutt. Shark dropkicked Dutt, but missed with a clothesline. Shark hit a single leg kick, but Batts attacked him with a cheap shot from behind. Shark bit him in the rear. Shark Boy worked over Elix in the corner. Dutt hit a double stomp to the stomach of Skipper. Skipper unleashed with a series of clotheslines on Batts. Skipper drove Batts down with a suplex variation. He put Batts on the ropes and did the Skywalker. As Skipper went for the hurranrana, he slipped and crashed to the floor. It looked scary but he got back to his feet in time to catch a Shark Boy plancha. They did a series of dives before returning to the ring. Dutt dropkicked Shark’s knee, then hit an enziguiri. Dutt went to the corner but Batts cut him off. Batts suplexed Dutt off with Dutt landing on Shark Boy. Skipper caught Batts and hit Sudden Death (Kryptinite Krunch). Shark Boy hit the dead sea drop on Skipper who bumped out of the ring. Dutt took out Shark Boy and hit the Hindu Press on Batts for the pin. Your winner, Sonjay Dutt, who moves onto the tournament.
Shane Douglas interviewed Konnan and Ron Killings. They said that they haven’t heard from BG James in a month and they don’t trust him anymore. Konnan said that have a Street Fight tonight and they are going to “Do the damned thing.”
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Simon Diamond came out with David Young. Diamond says that he loves untapped potential in athletes and sees a lot of blue collar potential in Young. He says that Young didn’t win a match in two years because he didn’t have the proper guidance. He said that Young has it now in him and is now part of Simon’s “Diamonds in the Rough.” Where’s Trytan?
Simon Diamond & David Young vs. Sonny Siaki & Apollo
Young and Apollo started off with Apollo pressing and dropping Young. Tenay said that Diamond sees himself as a mix of Joe Torre and Bobby Knight. The babyfaces hit a flapjack on Young. Siaki took over Young with an armdrag. Diamond pulled down the ropes as Siaki rebounded off the ropes. Siaki fell to the floor. Young hit a springboard moonsault to the floor. Apollo took down Diamond. Siaki worked over Diamond and Young with chops on the floor. Back in the ring, Young slapped Siaki and he responded in kind. Diamond tagged in and cleaned house on Siaki. Diamond was unable to get a pinfall. Apollo tagged in and took out Diamond and Young. Diamond went for a discus forearm but Apollo hit an Ace Crusher. Young hit a spinebuster on Apollo but wasn’t the legal man and his pin was unallowed. Apollo took down Young and scored the pin.
Your winners, Apollo and Siaki
Mike Tenay and Don West plugged the 10/23 Bound for Glory PPV, saying it would be the biggest PPV from the company to date.
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Samoa Joe vs. Chris Sabin
Joe chopped Sabin, who went down selling it. He got in Joe’s face and Joe cut him down with a kick to the thigh. Joe smothered Sabin into the corner. Joe took him down to the mat and then uses a single leg takedown. Sabin and Joe shoulderblocked each other in the corner twice. Sabin ducked a third shoulderblock and kicked Joe down. Sabin hit a leaping forearm into the corner. Joe slammed Sabin down on the back of his head. Joe hit a running leg lariat that looked awesome. Joe began working him over with headbutts and a running knee to the face in the corner. Joe hit the facewash in the corner. Joe took over Sabin and hit a chop to the back of the neck, followed by a kick to the face and big kneedrop. Joe applied pressure to Sabin’s neck. Sabin fought his way back to his feet but was shoulderblocked down. Joe went back to working over his neck. Joe hit a big suplex on Sabin. He continued to lay out Sabin. Sabin hit a springboard dropkick and then another dropkick on the apron to the face. Sabin hit a third dropkick off the apron, sending Joe into the guard rail. Back in the ring Sabin rebounded off the ropes and did a double stomp. Sabin tried to go for the Cradle Shock but didn’t have the strength to lift him. Joe hit a German suplex for a near fall. Joe snapped him into the ropes for a powerslam for a two count. Joe charged him in ther corner, but was cut off with a heel kick. Sabin hit a tornado DDT off the ropes for a two count. Sabin chopped away at Joe. Sabin dove at Joe but was caught in a powerbomb for a two count. Joe turned it into an STF submission attempt. Sabin tried to fight it off but Joe was so heavy on his back. Joe turned it into a crippler crossface. Sabin tried to drag himself to the ropes. Joe turned it into another submission move, cranking the neck. Sabin got his legs in the ropes. Joe was upset the hold was broken. Joe tried to set up Sabin for the muscle buster, but Sabin slipped under and hit a running powerbomb out of the corner for a two count. Sabin got Joe for the Cradle Shock but Joe kneed him to escape. Sabin hit an enziguiri and went to the top rope. Joe recovered and kicked Sabin’s legs out from under him, crotching him. Joe hit the muscle buster and locked in the Kokina Clutch, choking out Sabin for the win.
Your winner, Samoa Joe via chokeout.
Joe refused to let Sabin go. Don West had a great call, screaming, “Get him off, before he kills him!”
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Shane Douglas interviewed Jimmy Hart, The Naturals, and Lance Hoyt. Hart put over that he has the experience while his team has heart and youth. He told Team Canada to bring the hockey stick and he’ll bring the megaphone.
Team Canada vs. NWA Tag Team champions The Naturals & Lance Hoyt
Lance Hoyt now sports blonde hair. The faces cleaned house of Team Canada early. Team Canada hit the ring again and they were run off out of the ring. The faces followed this time. Hoyt tossed Bobby Rude into the rail. Chase Stevens hit a moonsault to the floor on Eric Young and A-1. The Naturals doubleteamed Eric Young. Douglas worked over A-1 with an armbar. They continued to work over Team Canada. Bobby Rude tricked the ref into thinking Jimmy Hart hit him with a hocket stick, leading to Hart being ejected. Team Canada worked over Chase Stevens as the referee escorted Hart out. Rude cut off Stevens with a knee to the midsection. Eric Young worked over Stevens as well. Stevens tried to fight his way up and finally tagged Hoyt. The Naturals went for the Natural Disaster when the referee was distracted. Bobby Rude hit both members of the Naturals with Jimmy Hart’s megaphone, left at ringside. Lance Hoyt tried to stop the pinfall, but A-1 grabbed his leg.
Your winners, Team Canada.
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Shane Douglas interviewed The Outlaw and Monty Brown. Outlaw announced that out of respect for his former partner BG James’ family, he will now be known as Kip James. I guess if they ever reunited the New Age Outlaws that would make them the James Boys? Ha!
Jeff Jarrett showed up and asked James and Monty Brown if they were with him. James said of course he was. Brown said to Jarrett that they work together on a contingency basis and he’s with him as long as he’s guaranteed a NWA title shot...and Jarrett will have a hard time guaranteeing that. He walked off, with Jarrett telling him there could be a Black Wednesday in TNA.
Konnan and Ron Killings vs. Kip James and Monty Brown: Street Fight
The announcers questioned where The James family truly gave Kip James the right to use that name. They all brawled at the onset of the bout. Killing hit a flip dive onto Brown on the floor. Konnan hit his sunset flip clothesline on James. James was bleeding heavily a minute in. Konnan nailed Kip with a cookie sheet. The referee was knocked out. Brown hit Konnan with a cookie sheet. Killings hit a low legdrop on Monty. Konnan set up Kip for Killings to hit a top rope headbutt, but Brown shoved Killings to the floor. Kip and Brown worked over Konnan in the ring. Brown went for the Alpha Bomb but Killings turned it into a hurrancanrana. Killings hit Brown with an uppercut. Killings hit the scissor kick. He went for a pinfall but Kip pulled the referee out, then stomped on him on the floor, so the second ref is now out. Killings unloaded with rights on Kip, but Brown hit him with the Pounce. BG James showed up looking at the ring with no emotion. Brown scored the pin on Killings. Kip James did his old “Suck It” catch phrase on the mic and called BG his “brother.” BG James walked towards the ring as Don West sold it as one of the darkest day in TNA playing up that BG was going to unite with Kip. Kip grabbed a chair and handed it to BG with the idea that he would hit Killings to “seal the deal.” BG grabbed the chair and teased he would hit Killings, then threw the chair down and walked out. The crowd chanted “New Age Outlaws.”
Your winners, Monty Brown and Kip James.
TNA played a video feature on AJ Styles vs. Sean Waltman.
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Shane Douglas interviewed Jerry Lynn. Lynn said it was a tough year of rehab over the year but he was there as a referee. Douglas questioned if Lynn would give either one an edge in the ring. Lynn said that he’s been partners and enemies with each of them. He said that’s taken pride in every job he’s ever had in his life and Waltman and Styles would find out tonight that Lynn isn’t going to be a push over in the ring.
AJ Styles vs. Sean Waltman – Special Referee Jerry Lynn
The announcers pushed Jerry Lynn as the pioneer of the X-Division as he came to the ring. They put over Lynn’s history with both men in the opening moments as Waltman and AJ went back and forth with counterwrestling moves. Lynn was used as a foundation for Waltman to leverage himself out of an armwringer. Waltman and AJ teased a test of strength, but Waltman took out AJ’s knee. They went into a series of nearfalls, including a bridge. Styles slammed Waltman twice. AJ chopped away at Waltman, then hit a backbreaker. Styles hit a kneedrop after a leap into the air for a two count. They battled to the outside. Styles tried to back suplex Waltman, who lowblowed him. Back in the ring, Waltman locked on a chinlock. Waltman hit a tilowhirl backbreaker for a two count. Styles fought his way back and set up Waltman for the Styles Clash. While upside down, Waltman kicked him in the face. He hit the Bronco Buster. Waltman hit his signature spin kick on Styles, who rolled out of the ring. Waltman did an old school Lightning Kid dive off the top to the floor. Styles was bleeding from the nose and mouth when he came up. Waltman tossed Styles into the ringpost, but when he dove at Styles, he missed and crotched himself on the post. Styles hit a springboard forearm. Styles hit a flip off the ropes into an inverted DDT for a two count. Waltman hit a Northern Lights suplex with a bridge for a two count. Waltman ascended to the top rope. Styles kicked him in the chest as Waltman came off with a bodyblock. Waltman went for a backslide, but AJ got out and turned it into a Styles Clash for a two count. Styles was shocked that Waltman kicked out. Styles set him up and went to the top for the Spiral Tap. Waltman rolled out of the way and hit the X-Factor, but Styles kicked up at the last moment. Waltman grabbed a chair and set AJ’s ankle inside it. He went to the top and Lynn had words with Waltman, then removed the chair to stop Waltman. Waltman got caught with a kick as he came off the ropes. Styles went to use the Styles Clash but Waltman grabbed the ropes. Lynn kicked his hands off and Styles hit the Clash and scored the clean pinfall.
Your winner, AJ Styles.
This was a good match. They worked well here together. Waltman looked to be trying really hard and Styles, as usual, had great ring work. TNA made a tremendously smart move by signing him to a long term deal.
Mike Tenay said there was something going on in the back. Jeff Jarrett was confronting Larry Zbyszko saying he was tired of the run around and wanted to know when he was getting his rematch for the NWA championship. Zbyszko said that Jarrett had to wait in line. Jarrett said that allegedly Rhyno is in the building. Zbyszko said that he is in the building. Jarrett questioned his whereabouts and Zbyszko said, “I don’t run a day care.” Jarrett told him to tell “his new golden boy” that the TNA welcoming committee is waiting for him.
They aired a video feature on Christopher Daniels vs. Petey Williams.
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TNA X-Division champion Christopher Daniels vs. Petey Williams
They started out fast with a flurry of moves. Daniels charged Williams who moved and he landed on the floor. Williams hit a hurrancanrana to the floor. Williams cut him off with an elbow. Williams came out of a headscissors attempt and nailed a Russian legsweep. Williams tied up Daniels in the corner and stomped him down. Williams slingshots himself over the ropes, taking down Daniels. Williams tried to come off the apron with a hurancanrana to Daniels, who was standing on the floor. Daniels caught him and powerbombed him onto the apron outside the ring. SICK! Daniels worked over Williams’ back with several offensive maneuvers including backbreakers. The announcers put over that Daniels likes to work over a weakness and exploit it. Daniels locked on a bearhug, then drove Williams into the corner. Daniels holds up Williams for a long time before dropping him in a suplex. Williams nailed him in the back of the head as Williams tried to mount a comeback. Daniels hit a gut wretch suplex on Williams for a two count. Williams hit a desperation clothesline and both men were down trying to gain their wind back. Both men got to their feet with Daniels getting up first. Daniels hit a release back suplex. Samoa Joe showed up at the entranceway watching the match. They plugged he would be in the Super X Tournament starting this week on Impact. Williams came back with a flurry of boots in the corner. Williams came off the ropes with a dropkick to the back of the head. A-1 came to the ring and began berating Daniels. Williams hit a DDT on Daniels for a near fall. Daniels slammed Williams and pointed at the corner for the Best Moonsault Ever (or maybe Samoa Joe, that’s what the announcers called) but Williams locked him in a Sharpshooter. He tried to cinch Daniels’ arm as well but Daniels made it to the ropes. Daniels caught him with a boot, then hit an STO. Daniels pulled Williams to his feet, but Williams broke away with a series of elbows. Daniels locked him up for Angel’s Wings but Williams dropped down and pulled himself out. Daniels tried again but Williams flipped up into a hurrancanrana. Williams and Daniels exchanged blows in the center of the ring. Williams locked Daniels in a crucifix and dropped down for a near fall. A-1 tossed Petey Williams a chain, but before Williams could use it, Daniels hit Williams with a chain of his own. Daniels hit the Best Moonsault Ever for the pinfall. TNA lost the PPV feed for the last 15-35 seconds of the match including the pinfall.
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They aired a video feature on NWA champion Raven vs. Abyss.
NWA champion Raven vs. Abyss with Jim Mitchell
The bout started with each man being attached to the dog collar. Abyss laid out Raven and got a steel chair from a fan at ringside. He placed it between the ropes. Raven ducked a clothesline but a big boot shot Raven to the floor. Raven starts throwing chairs into the ring. Raven grabbed the chain and pulled it, shooting Abyss into the chair in the corner. Raven tries to whip Abyss with the chain on the floor but Abyss moved. Raven began peppering Abyss with punches. Raven missed a punch using the chain. Abyss went to work on it and went for a chokeslam, but Raven fought him off. Abyss took down Raven and set up a chair on Raven’s chest. He climbed to the middle rope and splashed Raven. Abyss began stacking chairs, then put Raven atop of it. He went back to the ropes for a legdrop but Raven moved out of the way, so there was nothing but chairs. Abyss began choking out Raven with the chain. Raven grabbed a chair and flung it backwards into Abyss’ head. Raven grabbed a staplegun. He stapled a dollar bill to Abyss’ head and does it a second time. Abyss began bleeding and rolled to the outside. Raven prepared to pull him into the ring post but Jim Mitchell distracted him. Abyss pulled Mitchell into the ring. Raven was busted open. They brawled towards the announcing table. Abyss set up a trio of tables by one of the entranceways. They brawled up the ramp to one of the entrances. Raven was grabbed for a chokeslam but fought him off. Raven knocked Abyss off the entranceway through the tables. Raven tried to drag Abyss towards the ring but was pulled off the ramp through the third table. Abyss got to his feet finally and wrapped his chain around Raven’s throat and mouth. Mitchell taunted him on the mic, reminding him that he can’t surrender. Abyss dragged him back towards the ring. Abyss sets up a table against the ringpost on the floor but Raven charges him and puts Abyss through it. I was expecting Rhyno to gore someone when I saw the table being set up. Both men rolled into the ring. Raven began boxing Abyss with punches and discus clotheslines. Raven bulldogged Abyss. He hit the Evenflow/Raven Effect DDT for a two count. Raven clotheslined Abyss over the ropes to the floor and hung him with the chain, wrapping it around Abyss’ neck. Jim Mitchell hit Raven with a cane shot to the back. Abyss removed the dog collar from his throat and covered Raven for a two count. Abyss went under the ring, pulling out a sack of thumb tacks. He ripped Raven’s shirt off in order to take away his protection from the tacks. Abyss poured out the tacks. He set up Raven in the corner. Cassidy Riley hit the ring and tried to powerbomb Abyss but was fought off. Riley climbed to the top rope but was chokeslammed out of the ring through a table on the floor. He went back after Raven but was slammed into the tacks. Raven covered him but only got a two count. Abyss hit the Black Hole Slam for a two count. Raven hit his DDT into the tacks for the pin.
Your winner and still NWA champion, Raven!
Jeff Jarrett's music began to play....
Jeff Jarrett came out with a guitar to his theme and pyro. On the mic, Jarrett said that the nightmare is over and that the NWA title will always belong to him. He said he was coming to the ring to give Raven what was coming to him. Raven prepared for a fight as Rhyno rolled in the ring behind him. Jarrett told Raven he came out to give him a piece of advice, “Turn around.” Raven did and Rhyno hit the gore. Mike Tenay and Don West screamed that Jarrett had swerved everyone and was aligned with Rhyno as they went off the air.
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Good job, Charlie.
Sounds like another good show from TNA. A potential Raven/Rhino match would be interesting.
I'd love to see the Daniels/Williams, Styles/Waltman, and Raven/Abyss matches. I gotta talk to some people around here about ordering some TNA dvds.