
Joe Mama said:

Grimm said:

Joe Mama said:

Grimm said:
he just couldn't stand the thought of life without his beloved PJP.

Brian Jonopolous, we hardly knew ye. (ain't that the truth!)

No, it ain't. My sources say you knew him biblically.

your "sources." right. the same ones who told you the moon was made of cheese, Joe?

Truth hurts, don't it? I dunno where you get the "moon is made of cheese" comment (...shut up... ), but I DO know that my sources have you and poor dead Rex screaming "Beget me!!!" to each other one magical night. I notice you aren't denying it. PJP's gonna be pissed when I reveal that to him - you can kiss your cabinet position goodbye. I wonder if he'll consider consolidating the Ministries Of Intoxication and Ass-Whoopery...

riiiighht. the same sources that told you that drilling a hole in your forehead would get rid of your headache?