
rex said:
I spammed the off topic forum, thats different.

You have also spammed the DT forum,or at least threatened to.

The reason bsams has spammed the media forum is that he didnt agree with a thread being moved,the same reason you have spammed,or threatened to spam DT.

Your hypocrisy at this moment is quite frankly laughable!

If you dont like posting on these boards anymore,then dont post on them.......simple really.

The more you whine & moan,the more you will be ripped on,and you know that.
Remember Nonoxnol9?
Remember Chris Oakley?
Rmember all the other pissy cunts who were driven from the boards?
Do you really wanna push people to that?

Get off your high horse and stop being so fucking two faced!

bsams has always spammed!
PJP has always been a cunt!
Mxy has always been Mexican!
Rob has always been gay!
And you reax,have always needed to pay attention!