
the G-man said:
Trust is a two way street, rex. I think I speak for more than one person here who feels as if they've tried to reach out to you in the past, only to have you stab them in the back.

Show me where you tried to "reach out".

Was it this thread?

Or this thread?

Or this post that you moved to the off topic forum for no reason?

Or was it the many times you insulted me because of lack of employment, or when you made fun of jobs I've had?


Do you really want everyone on the DT forum to agree all the time? Come on. Isn't going to happen. The people over there have diverse beliefs. Sometimes passionate beliefs. Do you really want everyone to hide or fail to defend those beliefs?

I used to go the deep thougts forum to discuss things with people that I disagree with. Hell, I've even changed my views on certain things due to what other posters there have said.


And why are people like the Doctor or Theory 9 able to show up and argue for "third way" positions and get respect if the whole forum is as scary partisan flame war as you think?

I've read there posts, and although I don't agree with everything they say, I do respect them for how they say it. They are able to discuss their views, not argue and blame like others in that forum.


Like I said, I'm willing to bury the hatchet.

You have shown me absolutely nothing to back that up.

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.