
MisterJLA said:
You actually brought up Kim Phuk, magicjay.

Why wouldn't the DOD want the Abu Ghraib photos released? I imagine they wouldn't want the "enemy combatants" to go on another beheading or rioting spree.

Yes, I did bring her up but only to illustrate that the victim felt no shame about the image. I didn't think that point was so esoteric. Again, you dodge the issue. Neither Kim Phuk or I is the issue. The suppression of images is.

To counter your argument that they are suppressed to save lives, I think the access to images and eyewitness acoounts is much more free flowing in Iraq than in the USA. The atrocities are well known to the Iraqi Patriots. They are the ones holding the axe. If there is to be a spree, it would happen anyway. The only party who can lose is the USA Administration. The images could further erode support for the war.

"Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives." John Stuart Mill America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between. Oscar Wilde He who dies with the most toys is nonetheless dead.