From Fox News:

    PHILADELPHIA — Melvin Figueroa can't understand what may have happened to his pregnant daughter, who has been missing since July 18.

    "Something's foul, something's wrong because LaToyia is not the type of person to do this," Figueroa said.

    LaToyia Figueroa (search), 24, is five-months pregnant. She has a 7-year-old daughter, and friends and relatives said she would never abandon the girl voluntarily. "If it was a case like that, she'd call me, or my wife, or another family member or one of her friends to take care of her daughter," Figueroa said.

    The Citizens Crime Commission of Delaware Valley offered a $10,000 reward for information about her whereabouts. LaToyia was last seen walking from a friend's house in Philadelphia on July 18 after going to a doctor's appointment with her boyfriend, the father of her unborn child. Police have declined to speculate about what happened to her.

    When asked about reports that her boyfriend was the last person to have seen her, Figueroa said, "Yes the young man says he dropped her off at 52nd street, then he came back and said something else. I don't know, he's got so many different stories."

    Her cell phone has gone quiet since that day and her bank has not recorded any transactions, officials said.

    Christine Lewes, a childhood friend and high school classmate, said LaToyia was very responsible and had never missed shifts at her restaurant job until her disappearance.

    An uncle who is a police officer, Jose Figueroa, said Wednesday, "It's hard to see a young lady her age go missing. It's hard to imagine a young lady of 24 just disappear out of thin air."

I seem to remember during the "runaway bride" and "Aruba" incidents that one or two posters theorized that the media doesn't give the same level of coverage to missing or murdered African-American women. With that in mind, I thought it was a good show on Fox's part to start covering this disappearance also.