Alicia Keys' eyes are...perfect. Not unlike describing the women of these forums, the words "beautiful" and "unique" are simply too generic to use as adequate descriptions. I'm sure there is a word, but at the moment, it escapes me.

The shape of Alicia Keys' eyes are best described as an oval which tapers into a fine tip. Her eyelashes are equally alluring, blossoming outward in length. Watching her blink is breathtaking. The movement of her eyelashes is comparable to the fluttering wings of a butterfly.
Her chocolate-colored pupils reflect her intrinsic feelings at a given moment: contemplation, joy, reflection, pride, curiousity, longing, determination, compassion, hope. When I look at them, I can almost feel an interconnection of our souls, as though they're telling me what they've seen.
This is not to say Alicia Keys' eyes are her only admirable characteristic. As a whole, she is a beautiful woman who makes beautiful music. Her eyes are just the feature I find the most captivating.