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I've got more guns than you.
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I've got more guns than you.
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Look in his eyes... Fear, and Jabba!
Run, man, run!

"Ah good. Now I'm on the internet clearly saying I like tranny cleavage. This shouldn't get me harassed at all."
-- Lothar of the Hill People
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I could always fix her up with one of my staff at work!

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Hip To Be Square
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Jabba could have at least one friend here though!

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I've got more guns than you.
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I've got more guns than you.
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"Ah good. Now I'm on the internet clearly saying I like tranny cleavage. This shouldn't get me harassed at all."
-- Lothar of the Hill People
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Hip To Be Square
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Another victim of Jabbas lust for sucking humans insides out

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I've got more guns than you.
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I've got more guns than you.
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It looks like a rather beaten-up rubber balloon that has been slowly deflated.

"Ah good. Now I'm on the internet clearly saying I like tranny cleavage. This shouldn't get me harassed at all."
-- Lothar of the Hill People
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Hip To Be Square
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And after that meal.........dessert

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I've got more guns than you.
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I've got more guns than you.
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that's just... goddamn!

"Ah good. Now I'm on the internet clearly saying I like tranny cleavage. This shouldn't get me harassed at all."
-- Lothar of the Hill People
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Hip To Be Square
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Hip To Be Square
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Those panties used to be a circus tent!

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Inglourious Basterd!!!
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Inglourious Basterd!!!
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They probably smell like the inside of one!

Uschi said:
I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry.

MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost!

"I can't even brush my teeth without gagging!" - Tommy Tantillo: Wank & Cry, heckpuppy, and general laughingstock

[Linked Image from]
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Hip To Be Square
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Worse.....much worse!

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I've got more guns than you.
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I've got more guns than you.
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I'd say a circus tent full of decaying corpses.

and skunks.

"Ah good. Now I'm on the internet clearly saying I like tranny cleavage. This shouldn't get me harassed at all."
-- Lothar of the Hill People
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A tent full of carved assholes from the corpses of dead skunks could work.

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Hip To Be Square
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Hip To Be Square
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Her name was Jabba
She was a fat bitch
She used to eat a cow a day
Now a whole herds the only way

*sung to the tune of Copa cabana*

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Hip To Be Square
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Seen here, a rare glimpse of the 'Shit Devouring Planet':

If karma's a bitch, it will be my bitch!
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I actually feel sorry for the poor model in this photo...even having his image touched by 'Beardguy le Grande' is disgusting:

If karma's a bitch, it will be my bitch!
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I've got more guns than you.
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I've got more guns than you.
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His name.. is *air quotes* "Fat Bastard"

"Ah good. Now I'm on the internet clearly saying I like tranny cleavage. This shouldn't get me harassed at all."
-- Lothar of the Hill People
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Kisser Of John Byrne Ass
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Kisser Of John Byrne Ass
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PJP Googles little Greek boys.

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What up? [Jul. 28th, 2004|12:17 am]
[ Current Mood | ditzy ]
[ Current Music | nasty girl ]

Hey everyone. My "boyfriend" said that he loved me today. HE is nice but i have not talked to him in like weeks in person but i talkt o him online. Well today i found out that tashina is not coming home this weekend she is staying at her mom's house when she told me a month ago she was going to come over and help me with somehting but wait she forgot even know i tell her evryday about it. Anyways. Today was good i went to go see a movie today with Jackie, Carrie, and Shannon. Guess what this week i am getting a cell phone.. man i can't wait. my mom thinks she owns me. She does not want me to get one. well i got to go talk to you all later.

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Holla [Jul. 26th, 2004|10:50 pm]
[ Current Mood | crappy ]
[ Current Music | get low ]

Man i can't wait till Friday there is a party i am going too. Man people are just making me mad. Tara, Tashina and others. Lets see lets start with tashina today she asked me if i wanted to go over there but i told her i can't cause my mom would not let me so she really got mad. She said that we never go over there well i don't want to sit on her bed and sleep cause thats all she ever wants to do i can't just sleep everyday and all tinmes. She wanted to go to the movies today so that means i would have to go pick her up thats takes 30 mines and 30 mines to go to the movies. amn idon't want to do all the driving. Well i don't want to talk about this now. talk to you later. bye
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Hey [Jul. 26th, 2004|12:35 am]
[ Current Mood | pissed off ]
[ Current Music | slow emotions ]

Hey everyone whats up? Man why can't people just all get along. Man i got people yelling at me and people telling me about other people yelling man lets just all forget the past and live now. Man today was ok but alot of frighting. well people just stop yelling. Cause it is making me want to kill myself. NO JACKIE i was not smoking WEED.
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Hi [Jul. 18th, 2004|01:54 am]
[ Current Mood | cheerful ]
[ Current Music | if i aint got you ]

Guess what? I bought a phoneboth for my room it is soooooooo coool. You got to see it. Man if you want to party i need some people to party with i am board. Call me 329-6029. Today at work some lady needed a rid to her car in Richmand so Jackie told me to take her. I thouht that she was going to kill me so i took a knife with me so if she tried to kill me i could kill her first. HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE. i love killing. well i told her to her car and she gave me $20.00 for talking her cool. Then Carrie shine asked me to wash the floor for her so i did and i got $5.00 for that too. Yeah i love money. lol Well i got to go talk to you all later.

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[Jul. 4th, 2004|03:42 am]
Get to know the REAL you by crash_and_burn
Your Name
You Are A: Goth
Your Favorite Band/Song Garth Brooks - Thunder Rolls
You Like To Read: Non-fiction novels
You Firmly Believe In: Nose-picking
Everyone Thinks You Are: An easy fuck
You Were Conceived: In your dad's pinto
You Will Marry: No-one
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!
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[Jul. 4th, 2004|03:38 am]

giggles_of_fun Highway
Study Hall 9
Contentment Meadows 22
County Jail 65
Bankruptcity 158
Wealthville 413
Please Drive Carefully

Where are you on the highway of life?

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Sorry [Jul. 4th, 2004|03:28 am]
[ Current Mood | scared ]

Sorry for not coming on here in a long time. I did not think that people were reading this. My party is in 7 day i can't wait. If you want to come to it it is

1001 Witherell St.
St. Clair, MI 48079
it is a gray house this party is for me getting the fuck out of school. Yeah. I work right now. With my fav. sister in the world. Man i am so lonly. I wish i has someone to love. and buy things for and think about well i am sleeping. But people tell me that i am going to die alon. Even know people think that i am happy all the time i am not. Don't get me wrong i like being funny but i can't do it for the rest of my life i need to find someone and live my life. i don't just want to be the girl who is funny. Well that is that sorry for saying all this but its true i don't want to die alone.
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hey [May. 25th, 2004|09:01 pm]
[ Current Mood | happy ]

Guess what tomorrow is my last day of school. Hell yeah but i still have to go on friday for the class cross over. Oh yeah i got a job with my sis Jackie. I get to make pizza and other stuff like that. I can't wait i need money so i can get some new stuff.

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hey [May. 12th, 2004|11:17 pm]
[ Current Mood | sleepy ]
[ Current Music | E.I. Nelly ]

This weekend i am going bowling in Canada it is going to be real fun. It is going to be me tashina, kasey and one of his friends. I hope it is real fun. I get out of school in 11 days yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Hey people my party is the 11th of July i hope you can all come.

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hey [May. 3rd, 2004|05:54 pm]
Whats up? there is only 25 more days till school gets out for me hell yeah and i can't wait till the partys come. i got to go talk later
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Fun time!!!!!! [Apr. 28th, 2004|10:08 pm]
[ Current Mood | cheerful ]
[ Current Music | I don't want to know!! ]

Hey sorry for not writing in like a week. Lets see on Friday I went bowling in Canada and took my friend cause he turned 19 so he could drink. He got shit faced. On Saturday I went to the club did not get back till 3:30am mom got pissed. When i was there a real hot black guy grab my ass. Had fun next time i go i need to have more people go with me. Sunday I went to a b-day party and went to the park to play. Monday was just monday and tueday i did not have to go to to school till 11:24 hell yeah. and today same old same old stuff. well have fun i got to go see yeah.
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Hey [Apr. 22nd, 2004|02:56 pm]
Hey only 26 more days till i get out. Man i can't wait i am going to have a real good party. Jackie you need to get some friends together and party. Well i got to go i need to go pee and go to my friends house. Talk to you later.
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Holla I am back!!! [Apr. 21st, 2004|09:05 pm]
[ Current Mood | giggly ]
[ Current Music | I don't want you back!!!! ]

I guess i will keep writing if people write to me. Anyways please ask me 3 questions? I only have 27 more days of school left. Get ready to party. Here comes April. Hey Jackie we need to get some people together and have our selfs a party at grandma's. You need to get someone who will buy the beer and other stuff.

want everyone who reads this to ask me 3 questions, no more no less. Ask me anything you want. Then I want you to go to your journal, copy and paste this allowing your friends (including myself) to ask you anything.

Go here...
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Last [Apr. 20th, 2004|03:56 pm]
[ Current Mood | crushed ]
[ Current Music | I don't want you back!!!!!! ]

I think this is my last time writing in here. Know one reads my stuff anyways. But i will have one when i am done with school. The last one will be my last day of school. Talk to you when i am done So i think this is my last time. Good-Bye see you later.
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Hey.... [Apr. 18th, 2004|09:35 pm]
[ Current Mood | giggly ]
[ Current Music | I don't want to know!!!!!! ]

want everyone who reads this to ask me 3 questions, no more no less. Ask me anything you want. Then I want you to go to your journal, copy and paste this allowing your friends (including myself) to ask you anything
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holla my peeps!!!! [Nov. 10th, 2004|10:50 pm]
[ Current Mood | cheerful ]
[ Current Music | Wonderfull By Ja Rule ]

Hey sorry for not coming on here in a long time. Hey Amy are you coming to my party on Saturday? I need you there if you can cuase i need 10 people to go. I would love it if you did. So my week is good. Lots of fun and fucking. Not I am not like that. But lots of fun. lol. hey people come to a party for girl's only on Saturday at noon. ok see you later. Bye
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Holla [Oct. 25th, 2004|10:05 pm]
[ Current Mood | cheerful ]
[ Current Music | Holla Holla ]

Hey everyone whats going on? Sorry for not coming on here. I work alot. Monday, Tueday, Wednesday, Fridays, and Sundays. man thats alot of days. Money money money money. Hey everyone I am having to partys. On Nov. 13 i am having a sex toy party only ladies can come. If you want to come write back. And Nov. 18 i am having a spa party @7pm. Hey Amy would you like to come to them if you will be home . My sex toy jackie and carrie would like you to come to it it is @noon. Got to go talk to you later peace out my peeps.

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holla [Oct. 21st, 2004|12:49 am]
[ Current Mood | lonely ]

Today I got a little mad at work. Ann and Carrie were making fun of me and i did notin to get mad fun of. I was sad. But then I got happy cause that is April for you. Today after work I went to pay my phone bill then went to wal-mart then went to my grandma's house in Canada. I saw my coz Sean and my aunt. Then I came home and went on here. How fun. I wanted Tashina to come but my mom would not ler her. Well I got to go. Have fun see yeah and party all night and all day long.

Peace out my peeps,

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Back [Oct. 10th, 2004|11:17 pm]
Man whats up people? Man on Wednesday I have some real fun. I think Jackie is going to be having a boyfriend his name is Tommy and they like eachother. Man everyone is getting a boyfriend. But holla can't wait till jackies b-day party. and i can't wait cause my coz is coming down here from canada.I think we are going to the club. Holla i love clubs. LOL. well got to go i need some sleep. Peace out
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Holla [Oct. 5th, 2004|09:51 pm]
[ Current Mood | cheerful ]
[ Current Music | locked up ]

What up sorry for not being on here. I have not been home. i have been working and hanging with friends. Man i am happy i get paid tomrrow. Me and Bradley are not going out anymore. But, he wants to me friends with benafits. KNowone can handle this hotness. Holla my peeps gots to go. Peace Out

gots to go.

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holla [Sep. 20th, 2004|10:12 pm]
[ Current Mood | annoyed ]
[ Current Music | locked up ]

Whats up people? Guess what today was ok i went to kmart cause i had notin to do. I want to get the careBear playset. It is so cool. i know it is for little kids but i don't care. man brad is going crazy. Today he was crying cause i would not kiss him cause he tasted like smoke and i do not like that shit. Hey guess what do you know that Lil romeo is H.O.T. man he is so fine. So is Ja Rule man i need to find myself a black guy lol. Just playing Bradly.
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[ Current Mood | depressed ]
[ Current Music | if i aint got you ]

please get him to stop crying and yelling at me.
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holla [Sep. 18th, 2004|10:26 pm]
[ Current Mood | crazy ]
[ Current Music | lets go ]

mey peeps whats up? Man i took my boy toy to get his hair cut. Man does he look hot you should see him. He is so Hot man i wish you could see him. Guess what right now he is pissing me off he is reading my livejournal. GOD why is he doing this.
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Hey [Sep. 14th, 2004|08:32 am]
[ Current Mood | cheerful ]
[ Current Music | Lets go ]

Whats up people? Just wanted to say i don't work at night anymore cause of an asshole named Matt. Yeah he is scared of me. LOL live is good now. I love working with Carrie and Ann its fun. Well i got to go now i need to go to work. see yeah.
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holla [Sep. 7th, 2004|01:04 am]
[ Current Mood | sick ]
[ Current Music | locked up ]

Hey my life sucks i am sick and i wanted to go with everyone friday to casey's but my other people did not want to go. I wanted to kill them. cause i am a party animal. well can't wait till my b-day march 23 yeah i will be 19 hell yeah i am going to canada and i hope everyone wants to go. well got to go. bye

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holla [Aug. 28th, 2004|11:20 pm]
[ Current Mood | on life ]

Man this week was fun. Friday i went to the club man i was partying. Satueday i was working and guess what sunday i work too . yeah
talk to you guys later
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Holla [Aug. 25th, 2004|11:59 pm]
[ Current Mood | bouncy ]
[ Current Music | My goodies ]

Hey people sorry for not writing on here i am at my friend Shannon's house. Her mom is camping and i did not want her to get lonely so me and tashina went over there I have been here since Monday. I am having fun. lol today me, Tashina, and brad watched The big bonce. and Shannon made some new cards. well have fun talk to you later. Today I was called a "Sleeze" by brad's step daddy. I want to kicked his ass. And i don't know why he would say that:)
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Hey [Aug. 22nd, 2004|06:06 pm]
[ Current Mood | crazy ]
[ Current Music | "nasey girl" by: nitty ]

I need to ask something? People is love only counts when you mean it right? Not when something tells you to say it. I am getting pissed cause people are trying to make me say it to them. I do love poeple but i just like to say it ok get it in your heads.

man i have not went to bed in two days i really need to go to bed.

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hey [Aug. 18th, 2004|02:01 pm]
Hey Amy i need to ask you something. How do you change stuff on here? I would realy like it if you could help me. Thanks April
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holla [Aug. 15th, 2004|08:07 pm]
[ Current Mood | shocked ]

Hey guess what I am going to tie up my boyfriend Brad to my bed. And i am going to blind fold him and have my dog lick his balls. Cause he pissed me off.

if you want to give me some ideas that would be great. April
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Holla [Aug. 13th, 2004|01:55 am]
[ Current Mood | cheerful ]
[ Current Music | Nasty Girl by nitty ]

What up my peeps. Guess what i just found out? Not eveyone needs somebody. You only have one life live it like theres no 2morrow. OK get it got it good. Tslk to you all later. Bye
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hey........ [Aug. 10th, 2004|12:19 am]
[ Current Mood | depressed ]

Hey people. I am just a little bit lonely. I will never find myself a guy. I don't let them get close to me. and i don't know why.i think i know why. But i can't say.

aka lonely one
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Hey [Aug. 4th, 2004|10:33 pm]
[ Current Mood | crappy ]

Hey what up people. I am doing ok. This week is buzy for me. Well
Monday-beach, movies
Thurday-babysitt for carrie
Friday-work,going to movie with old teacher, bowling
Sunday-don't know

thats that talk to me people i am board.
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[Aug. 1st, 2004|02:30 pm]
A Accurate
P Peaceful
R Refined
I Irresistible
L Little
G Glamorous
I Innocent
G Glamorous
G Gentle
L Lively
E Exhausting
S Sappy
O Overwhelming
F Fine
F Fantastic
U Unreal
N Nice

Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator
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holla [Aug. 1st, 2004|02:22 pm]
[ Current Mood | bouncy ]
[ Current Music | Put it on me ]

Hey people today i got to work for Carrie. Yesterday me and carrie went to go see the Village it was cool. Man i love money. Guess what i got a new cell phone.
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Hey [Feb. 4th, 2005|10:25 pm]
[ Current Mood | smile ]

Hey people guess I can't smile or giggle anymore someone told me that I get annoying. sad face I love to smile thats the best thing about me. But thats ok if i want to keep friends i will not smile or giggle. Today I went and seen the St. Clair High School play it was cool. I love it. I miss School. Well i got to go talk to you all later.

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Hey [Feb. 3rd, 2005|07:04 pm]
[ Current Mood | cheerful ]

Hey people whats up? Notin here man people are still making me mad. well thats ok lifes goes on. Today i worked and then i come home a went to bed now i am here doing notin.

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Hi [Jan. 31st, 2005|10:48 pm]
[ Current Mood | cheerful ]
[ Current Music | get low ]

Hi i am back again. Ok i need to say something please people don't get mad at me for what i am going to say. Why do people let other people control them. Lets say its your boyfriends or girlfriends i don't think that they should tell you not to go to a place or not let you hang out with something even when they are the same sex its not like you are going to fuck them if you do that is sick. And here is another thing can people please stop being me at at my sister. Hey some people are busy with jobs and other stuff. If people don't like get a fucking job. Its not hard.
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68 days left [Jan. 29th, 2005|11:56 pm]
[ Current Mood | cheerful ]
[ Current Music | Ass like that ]

Ok i am not going to kill myself right now. I just was really mad at some people. But sometimes i really want too. This is not a cry for help or notin. So today was ok got up at 8:30 am did not want too then got dressed and shit then went to my grandmas to pick her up and then went to the baby shower for Ricky. It was ok not a lot of people there. I won one of the games the one were you use paper to see how big she is and i got it. Oh yeah when i was leaving the fucking place my grandma holds the door for people and tells them not to walk on the right cause there is lots of ice. but yeah she opens the door for me but does not tell me about the ice. so guess what i fall on my ass. yes i did giggle. then she says oh i forgot to tell you there was ice there. hahahahahaha yeah thats not cool. then she said me if i need to go to the hostipal and then i giggle again and i said i have lots of cuson on my ass so i am fine. Then after that my grandma and Emma were fighting by the cars it was great. lol

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hey:( [Jan. 29th, 2005|12:53 am]
[ Current Mood | depressed ]

Hey people whats up? Not alot here. I am not to happy. let me just say The first cut is the deepest. yes it is then it gets better after each time. Well let me just say that i think i only have 69 days till i go and kill my fucking self. and don't have to deal with this stupid shit from people.i hope you all had fun knowing me. I only have 69 days left till i leave this earth.

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[Jan. 24th, 2005|04:14 pm]

You Are From the Sun

Of all your friends, you're the shining star.
You're dramatic - loving attention and the spotlight.
You're a totally entertainer and the life of the party.
Watch out! The Sun can be stubborn, demanding, and flirty.
Overall, you're a great leader and great friend. The very best!

What Planet Are You From?
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Hey [Jan. 24th, 2005|03:30 pm]
[ Current Mood | cheerful ]
[ Current Music | I love you like that "all-for-one" ]

Hey people,

Hey whats going on? I am not mad at people know more. I am not mad at people for long. But if you really piss me off then watch out. You don't want to get the Thung out of me. I will beat you up gangsta out of me. Well today was fun I work till like 1 but stayed there till 2 and talked to carrie. Tomorrow is going to be fun. well i got to go. holla holla my peeps.

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hey [Jan. 22nd, 2005|04:23 pm]
[ Current Mood | pissed off ]

What the fuck is going on with Tashina and everyone. Tashina is made me for what i don't know. I am sorry if i can't talk on the phone or have time too. I have to work then i need to rest sorry that i sleep. When i go to call you. you never pick up. so why should i call you. Well if you don't want to be my friend then i am just going to have to deal with it. I have other people that want to be my friend. And like hanging out with me. even if it is just sitting in my room or watching tv. GGGGGGGOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDDDD.
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heck yeah!!!! [Jan. 20th, 2005|10:27 pm]
[ Current Mood | bored ]
[ Current Music | I can love you like that (all-4-one) ]

Holla Holla my peeps. Whats going on? I see that Bradley got a new livejoutrnal oh i just love the name NOT! well thats ok. Do you guys want to know something Me and Carrie are BFFs cool ah. we went to the movies saturday, Sunday we went shopping, monday worked, tuesday we went to Kennys, Wedsnesday we went to kennys, today we both sat home and worked together, and friday we both work together. cool ah we both like the same stuff thats cool. Holla Holla at ya Carrie. Well got to go. see yeah

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hey [Jan. 11th, 2005|09:05 pm]
[ Current Mood | thirsty ]
[ Current Music | ass like that ]

Hey sorry for not posting in a long time. I had a good christmas. I hope you all had a good on too. Right now i am working m-f its cool i love working with Carrie and Ann. Their fun to work with. well i got to go for now. peace out.

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flippin' sweet [Dec. 18th, 2004|11:23 pm]
[ Current Mood | chipper ]

Hey today i went christmas shopping with my mom and brother. We were out all day. I got some real cool things for christmas hehehehehehehehe. Well i got to go. Hey carrie can't wait for sunday.
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holla [Dec. 14th, 2004|11:31 pm]
[ Current Mood | sore ]
[ Current Music | wonderfull by. Ja Rule ]

Hey today was my day off. So I laid in bed for the hole day cause my mom wanted me too. Bradley shiped school so he could stay here with me. We had lots of fun. Well anyways can't wait for tomrrow work with Carrie and Ann yeah. Those people are my 2 fav at work oh yeah and Danny. Talk to yuo later bye.
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hey [Dec. 13th, 2004|10:48 pm]
[ Current Mood | sore ]

Hey everyone today was ok. I went to work it really hurt with my pain and all. Then my mom made me stay in bed or sit wherever and not move. I can't wait for Friday and saturday. Friday is fun with people at work and saturday is going to the mall with Carrie and Tashina and Sha. well i got to go. see yeah.
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Hey [Dec. 12th, 2004|11:47 pm]
[ Current Mood | by a car ]
[ Current Music | New York new York ]

Well today was ok. But there is this asshole who is saying shit i guess they don't have a life or something. But anyways, can't wait for chrismas. Tomorrow i get to see how much my ticket is oh yeah. Can't wait for that. Well can't wait for tmorrow to work with Carrie i like working with her she is funny.
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Guess what? [Dec. 11th, 2004|06:36 pm]
[ Current Mood | Hurted ]
[ Current Music | new york new york ]

I almost died yesterday! i Got in a car accient me, bradley, shannon, and tara were all in the car. I am the only one with lots of bumbs and shit like that i think i broke my leg and arm but thats ok. I hate the Dr's go to hello. If you want to see my bumbs and shit just ask me. Well i got to go.

oh fuck you ashole saying i was white trash. I want to know who you are so i can kick your ass even if i do have a broken leg.
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Hey [Dec. 9th, 2004|08:08 pm]
[ Current Mood | fucking people ]

Hey everyone needs to get alone. Yes we all have phones so why don't everyone use it. And if someone does not want to do something they should just tell the person and not make up some dumb shit (house sitting.. its not going to run away, dog sitting.. they are not going to die in 2 hours, and so on.). Note. i am not trying to start a fight. If someone does not want to do something just fucking tell me. Or whoever ok. Stop acting like fucking babies. I got to go and be normal.

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Holla Holla [Dec. 6th, 2004|09:53 pm]
[ Current Mood | Smile ]

Hey everyone what is going on with you all. So what are you all doing this weekend? You should tell me about it. Today was ok first i went to work then Jackie and Ann called me to come and play pool with them at the H.A.C. So i left work at 1:30pm and went up there we had lots of fun. Then me and Jackie went to the Mall and then i had to babysitt for Carrie's mom for a half-hour. Then i went to Howie's to go pee then me Jackie, Tommy, and Brad went to our house and played on the computer to look up cell phone stuff. Then i did something and now i am on here telling you all about my day. Well have fun.

Your Christmas Elf,

April a.k.a. (Giggles)
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HI [Nov. 16th, 2004|05:27 pm]
[ Current Mood | Fuck you Brad ]
[ Current Music | New York New York By: Ja Rule ]

Hey everyone whats going on? Today is the 16th and I am having a spa party Thurday the 18th. I am sure Amy can't come cause she can never go anywhere cause she probably has to house-sitt and you know you can't let it run away. These past weeks have not been good for me. Guess what Bradley was going to come over to my house for lunch and never did. I made him a good lunch but i had to give most of it to my doggie or give it to my mom but, thats ok who gives a fuck anymore. Well got to go.

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Hey [Nov. 13th, 2004|10:10 pm]
[ Current Mood | cold ]
[ Current Music | Wonderfull ]

Guess what? Today was my party i got lots of stuff from my party. If you want to know come over and i will show you. Well I hope everyone is having fun. I get to work tomrrow yeah how fun? Man i tell you i need some sleep. But i don't want to. Bradley has not called me yet even when he told me he would call me @3 but no he did not and it is 10:14 right now. Well i will stop bitcing and let you guys go talk to you later holla.

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hey:( [Nov. 11th, 2004|11:38 pm]
[ Current Mood | killing my self ]
[ Current Music | Wonderfull By Ja Rule ]

Holla my peeps,
Whats going on my party is saturday at noon if you want to come you can but you have to be a girl and over the age of 18 ok. Well i don't feel like talking on in a good mood people are pissing the fuck out of me and is about to kick some ass. Well got to go. I have to work tomorrow at 10 till 4 yeah holla at ya. bye

hey!! [May. 15th, 2005|10:23 pm]
does everybody like my new avatar?
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[Apr. 6th, 2005|09:26 pm]
[ Current Mood | distressed ]
[ Current Music | fuck the police ]

hi there, i want to update this but i don't know if anyone reads it. no one ever comments. that has me really sad. and people messing with my shit has me angry, whoever hacked on my msn is dead. i think i'm going to not do this and just close the account.
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[Apr. 6th, 2005|12:56 am]
[ Current Mood | hyper ]


l l
l l
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l l
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l l


l l
l l
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l l
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Good bye [Mar. 30th, 2005|11:27 pm]
Hey i am sick of people changeing shit on my lj. so i am not using this anymore.
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Yeahhhh [Mar. 23rd, 2005|12:59 am]
You scored as Are You Afraid of the Dark?.

Are You Afraid of the Dark?






Legends of the Hidden Temple


Rocko's Modern Life


Double Dare


Ren & Stimpy


The Secret World of Alex Mack




Clarissa Explains It All


The Adventures of Pete and Pete


Which Old School Nickelodeon Show Are You?
created with
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Hey Hey Hey!!!! [Mar. 23rd, 2005|12:44 am]
[ Current Mood | cheerful ]
[ Current Music | Put it on you ]

Guess What i am not moving out anymore. Jackie is moving out with my brother allen. thats ok i can stay home and make the whole up stairs mine and only mine. Oh yeah Today is my Birhtday i am 19. I can't wait to go to Canada on Saturday and get tispy. Hell yeah. well i got to go i will talk to you all later.

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hey [Mar. 17th, 2005|08:58 pm]
[ Current Mood | sleepy ]

hey guess what i am moving out soon. Can't wait. well i am very sleppy so i got to go.
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Hey [Mar. 15th, 2005|02:51 am]
[ Current Mood | awake ]
[ Current Music | Bring it all to me ]

Hey people it is 2:51 a.m. I can't sleep. I don't know what it is. Well just to let you know that me and Carrie are going on a date today and then after that we are going to build something. LOL she knows what i mean lol. Oh i think i am moving out of my house soon. Me and my friend shannon are moving in with each other and bradley is moving in too. we are going to share a room. Oh i can't wait lol. we should have fun maybe now i can do my scrap booking that i love to do so much. lol. well i got to go talk to you all later.

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[Mar. 13th, 2005|09:26 pm]
[ Current Mood | Blue ]
[ Current Music | some cut ]

Hey people. life sucks my B-day is in 10days. But i am jsut not happy. I really want to move out. So me and Bradley look on line for Apartments and stuff. I am going to call tomorrow on them. and see about them. Wish me luck. Well last week i worked a lot. Friday was a fun night. I think i am going to be working every friday with Carrie. Still don't know what i am doing for my b-day. but i will find out.
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[Mar. 9th, 2005|11:04 pm]
[ Current Mood | giddy ]
[ Current Music | put it on me ]

My cool Surveys, Please do it Thanks
What color are your eyes? Brown
What color is your hair? brown wiht red and blonde in it
What is your fav. song? Put it on me
Who's your fav. Actor? Johnny Depp
Who's your fav. actress? Queen Latifah
What is your fav. Care Bear? Shear Bear
Top or Bttom? top
Are you afraid to die? yes
What is your fav. color Crayon? purple
Hot or Cold? cold
Water or Pop? pop
Wedding Planner or Jersey Girl? wedding planner
up or down? up
Dog or Cat? dog
Dick or Pussy? dick
Heaven or Hell? hell
Alf or Elf? Alf
Batman or Robin? robin
Salt or Suger? suger
Ashlee or Jessica Simpson? Jessica
Ken or Barbie? Ken
Have you ever drank before? yes
In the ass or in the Pussy? pussy lol
Pink or Blue? pink

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hey [Mar. 9th, 2005|10:25 pm]
[ Current Mood | crazy ]

The \\
Last Cigarette: yesterday
Last Alcoholic Drink: today
Last Car Ride: today
Last Kiss: yesterday
Last Good Cry: 2 or 3 years ago
Last Library Book: 4 or more years ago
Last book bought: the note book
Last Book Read: the note book
Last Movie Seen in Theatres: man of the house
Last Movie Rented: totaly blonde
Last Cuss Word Uttered: fuck, shit, hell, stupid cunt and lots of others
Last Beverage Drank: pepsi
Last Food Consumed: a salad
Last Crush: Adam
Last Phone Call: Tashina
Last TV Show Watched: mtv real world
Last Time Showered: today
Last Shoes Worn: my work shoes
Last CD Played: Ja rule R.U.L.E.
Last Item Bought: pop (pepsi)
Last Download: ja rule
Last Annoyance: today
Last Disappointment: Sex with Bradley and Carrie leaving me
Last Soda Drank: pepsi
Last Thing Written: this
Last Key Used: s
Last Words Spoken: spoken
Last Sleep: last night
Last Ice Cream Eaten: Girl scout ice cream
Last Chair Sat In: my computer chair
Last Webpage Visited: Live Journal

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hey [Mar. 7th, 2005|05:58 pm]
[ Current Mood | bumed out ]
[ Current Music | Dreamer by Ozzy ]

Hey Carrie i hope you don't think that I am mad or anything i am not i am happy for you. I just wanted to get out of my house. I like hanging with you as a friend. I look up to you. You are nice to me even if i get anoying. I have fun haingin with you. Me and you have lots of stuff in commin. Yes, i am a little sad but i got to get over it. Hey we should as A.J. if he wants to come the 26th. Keep safe. Peace Out my peeps.

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Hey read this!! [Mar. 7th, 2005|12:34 am]
[ Current Mood | cheerful ]
[ Current Music | Get Low ]

Things I've Done
(x) snuck out of the house
(x) gotten lost in your city
() saw a shooting star
(x) been to any other countries besides the united states
( ) had a serious surgery
(x) gone out in public in your pajamas
( ) kissed a stranger
() hugged a stranger
( X) been in a fist fight
( ) been arrested
(x) laughed and had milk/coke come out of your nose
(x) pushed all the buttons on an elevator
(x) swore at your parents
(x) been in love
(x) been close to love
(x) been to a casino
( ) been skydiving
( X) broken a bone
(x) been high
(x) skinny-dipped
(x) skipped school
( ) saw a therapist
(x) played spin the bottle
( ) gotten stitches
( ) drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour: apparently that’s not possible lol, heard stories….
(x) bitten someone
(x) been to Niagara Falls
(x) gotten the chicken pox
(x) kissed a member of the opposite sex
( ) kissed a member of the same sex
( ) crashed into a friend's car
( ) been to Japan
( ) ridden in a taxi
( ) been dumped
( ) shoplifted
( ) been fired
( ) had a crush on someone of the same sex
(x) had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back
( ) gone on a blind date
(x) lied to a friend
(x) had a crush on a teacher
( ) celebrated Mardi-Gras in New Orleans...hopefully, someday
( ) been to Europe
( ) slept with a co-worker- but want to
( ) been married
( ) gotten divorced
( ) had children
( ) seen someone die
( ) had a close friend die
( ) been to Africa
( ) driven over 400 miles in one day
(x) been to Canada
( ) been to Mexico wanna go
( ) been on a plane
( ) seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show
( ) thrown up in a bar-in the bathroom
(x ) purposely set a part of myself on fire
( ) eaten Sushi
( ) been skiing/snowboarding
(x) met someone in person from the internet
( ) lost a child
( ) gone to college
( ) graduated college
(x) done hard drugs
(x) tried killing yourself
( ) fired a gun
(x) purposely hurt yourself
(x) taken painkillers
(x) love someone or miss someone right now
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Hey [Mar. 3rd, 2005|10:29 pm]
Hey people do you like my new background? I do. Hey if anybody wants to hang for my b-day let me know i will be 19 and the 23rd.
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Please read!!!! [Mar. 2nd, 2005|11:47 pm]
[ Current Mood | cheerful ]
[ Current Music | Put It On Me ]

+ Known as: Ape
+ Lives in: St.Clair
+ Birthday: March 23rd
+ School:not right now
+ Religion: Luthern
+ Shoe size: 11 i have big feet
+ Hair color: brown
+ Eye color: Brown
+ Style: whatever I feel like

* have you ever... *

+ Cheated on someone?: no
+ Been Cheated on?:no
+ Fallen off the bed?: yes
+ Broken someone’s heart: yes
+ Had your heart broken?: yes
+ Had a dream come true?: yes
+ Done something you regret?: Hell yeah
+ Cheated on a test?: Yes

* currently *

+ Wearing?: top and pants
+ Listening to?:my fan blowing
+ Located?: my bed
+ Chatting with?: my friends Shannon, Shannon, and some other guy
what you looking at?computer screen
+ Should REALLY be doing? sleeping

* do you... *

+ Brush your teeth?: yes
+ Have any piercings?: ears
+ Drive?: yes
+ Drink?: hell yeah all the time
+ Smoke?: smoke what?
+ Got a cell?: yes, cant live with out it

* the last person you... *

+ Hugged?: my b/f
+ Kissed?: my b/f
+ IMed?: Shannon
+ Talked on the phone: Bradley my b/f
+ Yelled at?: Bradley

* personal *

+ What do you want to be when you finish college?: i want to have my own tv show called "giggles with April"
+ What has been the best day of your life?: meeting Bradley
+ What comes first in your life?: friends
+ Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?:yes
+ What are you most scared of?: people not liking me for me
+ What do you usually think about before you go to bed?: my life and stuff
+ Did you lose someone you really loved?: My best friend Little Bits my dog
+ How many times have you fallen in love?: once
+ Love your family?: just my sister and my coz Kenny and Sarah and susan
+ Love your friends?: yes
+ Are you a virgin?: Hell No

* favorite *

+ Movie: wedding planner
+ Song: Put It On Me By: Ja Rule
+ Band: Ja Rule
+ Store: Hot Topic
+ Relative: cousin Kenny
+ Sport: none
+ Ice Cream Flavor: cherry
+ Fruit: Yellow Apples
+ Candy: don't really like candy
+ Day of the Week: Friday
+ Time: 4:20p.m.
+ Color: Purple
+ Name for a Girl: Paula
+ Name for a Boy: Bradley or Jeff

* do you *

+ Like to give hugs?: no
+ Like to give kisses?: no
+ Like to walk in the rain?: yes
+ Prefer black or blue pens?: black
+ Like to travel?: yes
+ Sleep on your side, stomach or back?: side
+ Have a goldfish?: no
+ Ever have the falling dream?: yes
+ Have stuffed animals?: yes lots

* what do you think about... *

+ Abortion:only if u are raped, or had sex with ur brother and sister
+ Suicide: Well people don't know what to do when they are mad or angey.
+ Smoking:o well
+ Eating disorders: crap
+ Summer: I love summer but it is for the skinny bitches who where thongs at the beach
+ Tattoos: ok i want one
+ Piercings? my ears

* this or that *

+ Pierced nose or tongue?: nose
+ Single or taken?: taken by my boo
+ MTV or BET?: BET
+ 7th Heaven or Dawson's Creek?: 7th Heaven
+ Sugar or salt?: Sugar
+ Silver or gold?: Silver
+ Chocolate or flowers?: Flowers
+ Color or Black-and-white photos?: black and white
+ M&Ms or Skittles?: Skittles
+ Stay up late or sleep in?: stay up late
+ Hot or cold?: cold
+ Mustard or ketchup?: Ketchup
+ Spring or Fall?: spring
+ Happy or sad?: Happy
+ Wonder or amazement?: Amazement
+ Mexican or Italian: Mexican
+ Pepsi or Coke?: Pepsi
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Holla [Mar. 1st, 2005|02:38 pm]
[ Current Mood | cheerful ]
[ Current Music | ja rule ]

hey people whats up? So how is everyone? Today the high school did not have school. so when i was at work Dan wanted to work so i let her. Well now i am looking at t-shirts on it is a real cool place. you should go there. but i got to go. see yeah all alter.

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[Feb. 24th, 2005|01:03 am]
[ Current Mood | relaxed ]
[ Current Music | ja rule ]

Hi just to let you guys know if i found out who was on my live journal i will kick their fuck ass. and i did change my password.
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All alone [Feb. 21st, 2005|06:40 pm]
[ Current Mood | lonely ]

man I feel alone. I have no friends but Tara and tashina who i see like once a month not even. Well there is Carrie she is my friend i think. Unless she does not want to be my friend. I wish i had more friends but people don't want to get to know me cause i am fat and ugly. They don't want to get to know me. If they did they would see how cool, fun, and fuuny i am. I am so gay i look forward to Tuesdays with Carrie, Kennym and Bradley cause i have no life. Well i should go people don't want to hear this.

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Hey [Feb. 21st, 2005|06:13 pm]
[ Current Mood | sick ]
[ Current Music | Ass like that!!! ]

Hey whats going on? Notin i am still with Bradley. Hey Shannon the one top I like is the one that says you have to be this long to ride. Guess what people i get to go to a cancert on April 14th with Carrie and Jackie. Right now i am sick as a dog and don't feel good. Man my friend Liz just called me after like 2 years. just wanted to talk to me. She is crazy. All she does is talk about herself.

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Hey [Feb. 9th, 2005|07:47 pm]
[ Current Mood | pissed off ]
[ Current Music | fuck you i don't want you back ]

Hey guys. I am looking for a hot good looking man to keep me happy and sane. I can't take no more the fucking drama with Bradley. He is a lier and a fucking asshole. Good-bye to him.
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Yeahhh I didn't read that.

Old men, fear me! You will shatter under my ruthless apathetic assault!

Uschi - 2
Old Men - 0

"I am convinced that this world is of no importance, and that the only people who care about dates are imbeciles and Spanish teachers." -- Jean Arp, 1921

"If Jesus came back and saw what people are doing in his name, he would never never stop throwing up." - Max von Sydow, "Hannah and Her Sisters"
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Hip To Be Square
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So sunday i worked open-close at howies. Ann asked me since my house burnt down four years ago if we had two houses on our lot. Its funny cause there's no way you could fit two on it with the way its positioned. Tara and i were up at speedy Q when we saw Heather and so we just drove around stopping in and sayin ghi to people. We stopped at Ambers, Shannon's, and then we went to Bradleys grandma's house. Heather had to pee really bad from laughing, she was tempted to squat over a rock in shannons front yard.

Today i laid around the house and hung out with bradley and tara since i had the day off. tomorrow i don't know what i'm gonna do yet. maybe since shannon has the day off i'll go hang out wiht her, maybe we'll go out for pad thai. yummy.

where am i
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Inglourious Basterd!!!
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Inglourious Basterd!!!
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tons of fun said:
Today i laid around the house and hung out with bradley and tara since i had the day off. tomorrow i don't know what i'm gonna do yet. maybe since shannon has the day off i'll go hang out wiht her, maybe we'll go out for pad thai. yummy.

I don't care how obvious it is, I'm gonna say it anyways!

"And when she lays around the house, she lays AROUND THE HOUSE!!! (wakka wakka!!!)

Uschi said:
I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry.

MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost!

"I can't even brush my teeth without gagging!" - Tommy Tantillo: Wank & Cry, heckpuppy, and general laughingstock

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...don't worry, i say it too....

And, to be fair, one of my favorite friends there is blind and I take every opportunity available to make fun of that and we're still friends. That guy never fit there. He never got the spirit of the RKMBs. We're gonna keep an eye on the obits, see if he finally left or if he really did have a heart attack.
2,506,410.81 CAD Rack points

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April doesn't literally sit around her house, she's the house!

my time is a fallen piece of was a termite
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Joe Mama said:

tons of fun said:
Today i laid around the house and hung out with bradley and tara since i had the day off. tomorrow i don't know what i'm gonna do yet. maybe since shannon has the day off i'll go hang out wiht her, maybe we'll go out for pad thai. yummy.

I don't care how obvious it is, I'm gonna say it anyways!

"And when she lays around the house, she lays AROUND THE HOUSE!!! (wakka wakka!!!)

...:nono: beat me to it

Old men, fear me! You will shatter under my ruthless apathetic assault!

Uschi - 2
Old Men - 0

"I am convinced that this world is of no importance, and that the only people who care about dates are imbeciles and Spanish teachers." -- Jean Arp, 1921

"If Jesus came back and saw what people are doing in his name, he would never never stop throwing up." - Max von Sydow, "Hannah and Her Sisters"
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I had a fun time decorating with Shan today - post the pics you showed me damn it.

where am i
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Sneaky...your alts are showing...

If karma's a bitch, it will be my bitch!
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oh fuck how'd she get out

fat arse did decorate for me though

And, to be fair, one of my favorite friends there is blind and I take every opportunity available to make fun of that and we're still friends. That guy never fit there. He never got the spirit of the RKMBs. We're gonna keep an eye on the obits, see if he finally left or if he really did have a heart attack.
2,506,410.81 CAD Rack points

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Image hosted by

And, to be fair, one of my favorite friends there is blind and I take every opportunity available to make fun of that and we're still friends. That guy never fit there. He never got the spirit of the RKMBs. We're gonna keep an eye on the obits, see if he finally left or if he really did have a heart attack.
2,506,410.81 CAD Rack points

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sneaky bunny said:
oh fuck how'd she get out forgot to close the barn door?

If karma's a bitch, it will be my bitch!
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i have to go whip that shit

And, to be fair, one of my favorite friends there is blind and I take every opportunity available to make fun of that and we're still friends. That guy never fit there. He never got the spirit of the RKMBs. We're gonna keep an eye on the obits, see if he finally left or if he really did have a heart attack.
2,506,410.81 CAD Rack points

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Ewwww....the things desperate blondes do for kinks in small towns.

If karma's a bitch, it will be my bitch!
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i meant whip, like you would a untamed large beast.

And, to be fair, one of my favorite friends there is blind and I take every opportunity available to make fun of that and we're still friends. That guy never fit there. He never got the spirit of the RKMBs. We're gonna keep an eye on the obits, see if he finally left or if he really did have a heart attack.
2,506,410.81 CAD Rack points

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You're looking at it
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You're looking at it
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PenWing said:
In the interest of fairness, this thread should join the threads about Lor and Princess Elisa in Random Chat.

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Joined: Sep 2003
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And, to be fair, one of my favorite friends there is blind and I take every opportunity available to make fun of that and we're still friends. That guy never fit there. He never got the spirit of the RKMBs. We're gonna keep an eye on the obits, see if he finally left or if he really did have a heart attack.
2,506,410.81 CAD Rack points

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