As a look forward to TNA's Sacrifice PPV on Sunday, I've decided to preview each of the matches, with a prediction on winners and marks out of 5 for anticipation. Feel free to insult my intelligence, looks and talent as and when you see fit.
NWA World Heavyweight Champion Raven & Sabu Vs. Jeff Jarrett & Rhino
Should be a good match. Face it, you've got four good ring workers in here, so any action should be pretty good. I'll admit to being a total Sabu mark, but every one of the four men in the ring could happily put on a real stormer of a show.
Predicted Winners: Raven and Sabu
Anticipation Rating: 5/5
AJ Styles Vs. Samoa Joe
Face it folks, you've got two of the most talented men in wrestling in this match. I can confidently predict that this is gonna be match of the night, and could well be the best match of the year.
Predicted Winner: Could go either way.
Anticipation Rating: 5/5
Sean Waltman Vs. Jerry Lynn
Waltman and Lynn have experience and talent on their side, but I remain unsure of this match, having not seen Lynn wrestle in some time. Waltman's been good on all his recent PPV matches, but it remains to be seen whether they can pull something truly special off.
Predicted Winner: Waltman, 'cos he'll cheat.
Anticipation Rating: 4/5
The Naturals & AMW vs. Team Canada
Team Canada are by far and away less talented than the Naturals and AMW, and need to get Johnny Devine back pronto. All the same, if Bobby Roode and A1 keep in-ring time down to a minimum and Petey Williams gets enough space this could be good
Predicted winners: Team Canada, as Scott D'Amore favours them outrageously
Anticipation Rating: 3/5
Abyss With James Mitchell Vs. Lance Hoyt
Abyss is great, and Hoyt's way over with the fans. I don't know whether TNA can book big guys as well as it books the X division, but I have faith in them. Should be worth a look, especially if Mitchell gets on the mic
Predicted Winner: Abyss
Anticipation Rating: 4/5
"The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels Vs. Winner Of Dream Match Vote
Since it's almost certainly going to be Austin Aries at Sacrifice, I'm looking forward to this match. Christopher Daniels is among the most well-rounded men in wrestling at the moment, and Aries can match him in the air. Given TNA's X division flair, this could be a winner
Predicted Winner: Christopher Daniels
Anticipation Rating: 4/5
Kip James & The Alpha Male Vs. Ron Killings & Konnan
They've let this drag on way too long now, but this could see the end of the whole thing. Hopefully BG will side with Kip and The Alpha Male and reform the New Age Outlaws, but either way I'll be happy.
Predicted Winners: Kip James & The Alpha Male
Anticipation Rating: 4/5
Shocker vs. Alex Shelley
Could be a good match. Shocker's not a wrestling genius but is a very hard worker, and Shelley's good to watch. The idea behind this match, of it being the third fall in a mexican style 2 out of 3 falls match, is very novel for the US, and should be worht seeing.
Predicted Winner: Shocker
Anticipation Rating: 4/5