
Prometheus said:

rex said:

"Oh God, I'd love to do that one."

Williams is famous for his Jack Nicholson impression, but he suspects Nolan would be looking for a new take. "Well, you want to do a different Joker. You know, if they do Arkham Asylum, it would be amazing. Arkham Asylum is one of the greatest, nastiest comic books ever. It's truly, it's like the Marquee de Sade on that level, and wonderfully damaged and quite tragic, in terms of when you realize [what happened to] create these characters..."

...fuck. I had no idea Robin Williams even LIKED comic books, much less could have educated thoughts on things like this. I'm not neccessarily for him being cast. But, this at least makes it a bit less scary of an idea...

oh yeah. he' s been pushing for Transmet to get made for years. he's dying to play Royce, the editor.