hammill played "cock knocker" -- the over the top villain in an on-screen, on-screen role in "jay and silent bob strike back"

most of it was using his joker voice, which is hands down the greatest portrayal of the joker, ever. the manaiacal and hyesterical bellow followed by that deviously low grumbling laugh... a fucking piece of artwork.

i'd love to see that.

robin williams, i think, is amongst the funniest people of all time, and an amazingly zany every-fucking-second-is-something-different persona that i think would be pretty sweet. like, an aladin's genie gone insane and villainous.

but that could just be half of the visage -- his stone-faced creepy-as-fuck killer persona in nolan's "insomnia" is the legendary stuff of nightmares. what a wonderful twist it would be to bring forth both of those aspects to the joker character in a heartbeat transition.

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