
Rob Kamphausen said:
does anyone else think that doing a batman movie with the joker might not be sucha good idea, as it will lead to non-stop comparisons and critiques versus the original 1989 blockbuster performances?

How can there not be a Joker/batman film? He's one of the most well known villians ever. And I may be in the minority here, but I never though Nicholson's performance as the Joker was all that. It was ok, and had a few moments, but I expected more - it just came off as too campy to me.

It'll prolly never happen, but for a Batman/Joker movie, I would love to see them do The Killing Joke...

Dear, sweet Harley Kwink...I'm madly in love with you. Marry me! We can go to Canadia. Or Boston or something. It'll be grand...You know the cookies are a given. They are ALWAYS a given. You could dump me tomorrow and you'd still get the cookies. Boston..shit, wherever dyke weddings were legalized. And where better to rub their little piggie noses in how bad they suck than right on their doorstep? What are they gonna do? Be jealous of you? Stare furiously at your tah-tahs? Not willingly give you cookies, but instead begrudgingly give you their cookies? Woman, time to wake up to the powers you wield - Uschi