I just take Batman in the movies the same way I take him in the comics. Every era is different. And, no single era is the absolute essential definition of him. They all have factors I agree with or enjoy. And they all have things I would change.

Say what you will about the plot, and Jack, but I dug the absolute shit out of Keaton's Batman character. His silent, disturbed nature, along with the amalgamated 1940's designs, practically oozed the pulp feel of the original Bill Finger/Bob Kane Golden Age-"Batman". This is the sincerely traumatized avenger of the night that had zero problems cracking necks and dropping guys off rooftops.

Then, we drifted into the silly, outlandish 50/60's Silver Age. Both Kilmer and Clooney's movies reeked of the ludicrous camp that dominated a decade of goofy gadgets, horrible one-lines, a joking Batman, and the always beloved outer space adventures.

Bale is awesome, and perfectly fits a late-Silver Age Neal Adams niche, as well as the Frank Miller's Bat from YEAR ONE.

Unfortunately, we haven't gotten to the over-paranoid, uber-prep-time, godlike Batman from Morrison's era..