im pretty much name-brand loyal (a name-brand bitch, if you will). coke over pepsi, mcdonalds over burger king, nintendo over sega. always have been, always will be.
but, i always saw at least a little potential in sega. they just seem to have nothing but bad timing. that, and perhaps a little bad luck. i dunno, maybe its just poor advertising. whatever it is, it always seems like they're missing something.
genesis was the first (big) 16 bit system, but never came close to nintendo's. sega cd was this ultimate, graphics machine... the first (big... no turbo grafix) system to utlize the cool new medium of cd's. that died too. game gear was crushed by game boy, 32 was just lost in the system...
dreamcast was probably their best release ever. cool commercials and ad campaign, far superior to existing systems and game graphics, all new tech... but even that didnt last.
to lifetime-movie-it, its like sega was the little brother that kept f'ing up, trying to live up to their big brother nintendo's standards.
their new decision to produce just games is most likely a good one. it allows them to REALLY focus on one thing, something they've always been pretty good at doing, and now has the potential to become better still. i think the better decision would be to for them to become part of nintendo, which would merge all their great ideas and potential for games, systems, and adaptors, with a company that could actually deliver (all be it with 2-3 delays) like nintendo.
but, all things, i think their current move, tho filled with a lot of negatives, is the best for them.