
MisterJLA said:

kathleen said:
so yesterday, there were two late night tapings on one day, and my friends and i went to the 8 oclock taping which airs on friday. we were the first in line as we got there HOURS before we had to.

so we got the prime seats. theres a section all the way to the left facing the stage of 5-people seated rows. then theres an isle. then theres 3-people seated rows that merges into the rest of the audience. the 2-peopel seated rows are the best seats in the house. right in the middle of it all but right by the isle. so my my friend jeff and i sat in those, the second row, with our friends in front of us

conan came out before the taping for some audience action, immediatly smiling at my friends and i and shaking our hands and joking a little.

it was a super funny show and im pretty sure jeff and i were will be heard laughing. during commerical break i saw conan looking in my direction if not at me so i started waving, and immediatly he waved/giggled back.

and, mr t was in the audience so conan went out and talked to him, so its possible since i was right by conan walking up, you can see us, but its possible not as well. but mr t gave us all socks. and i got a free conan tshirt


This is the greatest "kathleen shook Conan O' Brien's hand" post ever!

Kathleen, my advice to you is to lock your doors and check your windows every night before going to bed.

whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules.
It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness.
This is true both in politics and on the internet."

Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."