
Killconey said:

First Amongst Daves said:
So, mind wipe or barbed wire up the arsehole? Kind of puts it into perspective. Zatanna can keep her spells.

And on a more civilised note, who are the JLA to make that call? Other rapists might brag about their victims in jail, but what makes the difference between Sue Dibny and other victims? Why does Light get the mind wipe but no other rapist?

I think that you missed Dr. Light's point in bragging about that. The point is not to hurt the JLA's feelings by letting them know that he's making fun of Sue. The point is that he can now logically conclude that Elongated Man is Ralph Dibny simply by the fact that they're married. That is the information he will be bragging to his fellow inmates.

E-man's identity (at least from a Pre-Crisis perspective, dunno if that holds true in Post-C continuity) was already publicly known at this time. I didn't see his bragging as a form or coersion regarding the secret identity aspect, but rather thumbing his nose at the heroes and their 'purity'. A 'gotcha', if you will, about (them and their loved ones) being untouchable despite their anonymity. The way he saw that Flash was wearing a wedding ring uhder his glove: not that he knew who Iris was, if she was dead, alive, whatever... but rather "give me some time and I'd bugger her, too."