
magicjay38 quoted Jude Wanniski as saying:
Supply-side economics is not taught as a comprehensive academic course of study in any institution of higher learning in this country or, indeed, anywhere in the world. Keynesian and monetarist domination of academic faculties remains a stranglehold.


the G-man said:

That is less a reflection of the merits of one view or another and more a reflection of the fact that something like ninety percent of the faculties of most universities are democrats/liberals who are, naturally, going to espouse the theories that reflect their ideologies.


magicjay38 said:
That may be true of university professors, it's not true of economics professors.

As noted on another thread, studies of the political affiliations of college professors show that anywhere from seventy-five to ninety-five percent of the faculties are liberal/democrat and that these numbers are across the board.