
Jim Jackson said:
You know, for most of you, this movie is just a movie about a couple of "gay cowboys."

For others, especially those such as myself, it speaks to and presents an aspect of our personal condition. I know what it is to be a gay man married to a woman. I know what it is to feel unable for so many years to express who I really am because of familial and societal standards. In many ways, this movie tells a bit of my story. It's an added benefit that it's a mainstream movie featuring A list actors who treated Annie's story and characters with respect and did so in an unflinching manner with respect to the love between the two main characters.

Sometimes a movie isn't just a movie; a story isn't just a story. To those who can't see that, I wonder if any form of literature can move you at all....

Fair enough. I can understand why it means a lot to you.

For the record, I did think it was the best of the five movies nominated(and I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that I'm one of the few here who actually saw all five of those movies).

Now, while Annie Proulx is welcome to her opinion, don't you at least think that it undermines her cause to vocalize that opinion in a fairly classless manner? Even if she hated Crash, trashing it like that just gives ammunition to her cause's already numerous critics.

Brokeback Mountain was a great film. It was nominated for the highest award a film can receive. Furthermore, I think that, in a decade or two, it will probably be looked on as one of the most important films of the new millenium. There are so many positives here. She chose to dwell on the negatives.

MisterJLA is RACKing awesome.