Quote: r3x29yz4a said:any shit and piss i put in our precious lakes and streams is not the same as dumping volatile chemicals into bambi's mouth.
First off, the chemical composition of urine includes creatinine, sodium, potassium, chloride and acid.
Furthermore, as noted here, "a community's fecal matter carries all the diseases in that population...London's cholera epidemics were often centered upon just one or two public wells that were found to be contaminated by sewage leaking into them."
Therefore, every time you take a leak or a dump you, my friend, are causing pollution.
Finally, show me one example of one corporation going out into the wilderness, grabbing a deer, and shoving a batch of volatile chemicals into its mouth.
If that's what you think corporations do, then how can you, in good conscience, support them through your purchases.
As noted before, Ray, you're part of the problem, not part of the solution.
you're a major douche, i'm just getting that.
i'm not a plague carrier and you're picking at semantics bullshit but i doubt you do shit. let me ask you: do you drive? if you do (and don't have some disability) then you're doing more damage than i do.