
the G-man said:
I'm not the one who thinks we're destroying the planet, Ray. You are.

we are. and the big problem now is corporate pollution. my using lightbulbs will not change their practices.
once we get rid of the nest of corporate pollution, then we can really focus on the few stray bees in our own habits.

and again, i don't drive and am conservative (you heard it) when it comes to home electrict usage (lightbulbs, fridge etc.)


I'm not the one who thinks corporations are evil, Ray. You are.

then, you're an idiot. remove large multinational corporations and you have smaller corporations who are more accountable.
smaller and more diverse corporations that would need to be honest or risk alienating any buyers.


Therefore, whether or not I drive or whether I patronize those corporations is irrelevant.

so you honestly don't think corporations pollute with more volume and devestation than the average man?
you don't think that cars pollute the air and the oil has lead to costly wars that kill millions?


The only issue is why are you such a hypocrite, causing all this pollution and supporting corporations that you think are evil.

and again, if you actually read my earlier posts you would see the tax analogy.
i don't like bush but have no other choice than to pay taxes.

i'm only a hypocrite if i had advocated living only on one of those ecofarms or were dumping toxic waste into nature.

Bow ties are coool.