Ray is making traffic court jokes. That's always a sign he's getting desperate.
since when did you start calling me Ray anyway?
Quote: in this world, computers are essential.
Bullshit. More than forty percent of American households don't own a computer. If they were "essential" that would not be the case. Again, that's a consumerist choice on your part, nothing more.\
Your Superman analogy fails. You want Bush to fight corporations but your, yourself, like to feed them. A better analogy would be that you expect Superman to fight King Kong, but still want to be able to feed bananas to the big ape so he's big and strong for the fight.
You put voluntarily put money in the coffers of corporations you think are evil. That money helps those corporations commit the very acts you find evil. That's hypocrisy, in traffic court or any where else.
smaller corporations are good for spreading items and creating an ease to life but are still more accountable. large multi-national corporations however are unaccountable and massive polluters on a scale that is dangerous to the planet.
by suggesting that anything short of the government actually taking on corporations will solve anything is ridiculous.
and this is not a partisan issue. government's softness towards corporations as they grew into these beasts is the fault of all parties and has culminated in bush's even laxer standards.
again: I would only be a hypocrite if i insisted that everyone live on ecofarms or if i said one person using organic everything would change the world.
and finally, as i said i don't drive. and i don't because of the oil companies and the effect of cars on society. as i said, i scarifice an extra hour both ways to work every day to the environment and to not support one group of corporations.