Quote: r3x29yz4a said: i have placed the blame on the corporation's practices in polluting. they can make products and still cut down on the horrible polluting. i don't drive because of oil companies/wars/pollution. i can sacrifice ease of getting places but i can't sacrifice every facet of my life (and i never suggested anyONE else do so). my whole point has been about corporations' actions (not existance).
Let's assume for the sake of argument that, in fact, you are taking all actions that you can to reduce pollution.
As you, yourself, argue, further action to reduce pollution would be difficult and costly for you.
Why, therefore, do you assume that actions to reduce pollution are not at all difficult or costly for corporatons?
Pollution is, ultimately, waste. Waste creates additional cost. Whenever possible and economically feasible it makes sense for corporations to reduce waste.
Does that mean that corporations are ultimately completely blameless? Of course not. We all pollute.
But you need to be willing to at least entertain that some of what you consider "unneccessary" pollution may be as necessary for a corporation as it is for you.